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Posts posted by JMNTampa

  1. What do you do when you've been married for 5 years, adore your spouse but you can't stand her child? My wife has a 16 year old boy and I have a 17 year old boy and 15 year old girl. My children live with us with the exception of alternate weekends with their mother. My children are outstanding in school, mature and responsible for their age.


    My step son is horrible in school lives for eating, Xbox, television and sleeping in that order. He has no friends and doesn't desire any. He would rather spend every waking moment at home close to his mom. His mother hates to leave him alone even if its out to dinner for evening. If she does she calls him at least 3 times in 2 hours to check on him.


    My fear is he will never leave home when he finishes High School in 2 years. What can I do not to stay sane, stay married and insure he moves out when its time? HELP!!!!

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