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Posts posted by mrpink

  1. Hi,


    I broke up with my girlfriend two mounths ago. I treated her badly and haven t shown her love so she left me. I have been through tough times since then and I must admitt I still love her. After two weeks Nc we seen each other two weeks ago. She told me that she has new boyfriend that was here friend and that he loves her so mouch. I speaked with her best friend one day before I met her and she told me that she hasnt got anyone. That was weird. SO when we saw each other I acted like I healed after break up and like I m happpy again. She said to me that I have become everything she wanted after I told her that she has become everything I wanted her to be. She was surprised with my reaction..I was so cool. Well in fact I was hurt because I spent one mounth hoping that we will get back together.I couldn t believe that she got back in relationship so quickly.And with friend that she confied about us when we were dating. HE was like shoulder to cry on Day after she send me SMS asking me if the letter I have wrote to her after break up was lie. In that letter I declared my love and I have open my heart. I told her that letter was true but also that I m happy that she is happy. Then she wrote to me that I have never loved her so I called her. She was upset and sad I heared it in her voice. She tried not to cry but I m sure that she was struggling with herself. I told her that she shouldn built her life on lie that I haven t loved her I just havent shown that to her. She told me that her boyfriend is very jealous and crazy we she says my name So she havent called me.It has been two weeks since than and I mouch better now. I have met girl that I going to date but i still love her. I wrote her another letter but i have burned. What should I do???Should I stay close with her friend and call her to see what up?? Is there any chance for new start??She is very stubborn like I and I know she won t make first move if she wants because she dont want to mess my life??

  2. Thanks man, I really screwd up first two weeks days after break up i even wrote her a letter, on new year she sent me message in which she wished me happy new year with lot of love and i returned to her that I want only her for new year, I had break down when she told me that she is seeing somebody and then she denied it. Then I went skiing and from then i stop bugging her. I haven t heared from she in a week and then she wrote me message I replied shortly. Two days after I called her and she called me next day and had a brief conversation. Its now two weeks without scenes. We dont have mutal friends so it s hard for me to know whats happening in her life. I want to know how is she livnig now. Man, women can mess you up ten times more than you can her. There is also sexual tension because I don t have regular sex life and i miss that. I can t learn... But I planed my schedule and my day full with activities.

    I dont now if I am wrong but I think that after beeing with me she wont rush in relationships because i had done enough damage to her. Dam this is so hard thank for your advice i really need it. Because i don t want to show my friends or family weakness I am just not that kind of person.

    I ask you if she loved me so much before an she stayed with me after all i done to her can she just lose it so quickly... If she see better me and she still had some felling she must get back to me....

  3. Thanks for adice.

    I really love her ,I was just so messed up and confused.. I want her back and i know i won t do it by beeing misserable...I haven t seen her for three weeks and we havent spoken in a week should I ask her for cup of coffe. Is it to early??? I have a major problem I can t stop thinking about her and another man...This is driving me nutts, how to deal with that???

  4. It has been one month since I break up with my girlfriend. We were together for year. She decided to break up with me just before holidays and then she went back home. This decision that she had made really shocked me and i didn t had much chance to prove her that she made a mistake. For last two mounts our relationship was really bad. To be honest I really didn t know should i stay with her or to move on. I treated her badly and i haven t shown any interest in her beside sex. She felt it but she didn t want to break up. She used to left me letters under pillow describing how she felt and that she is scared for us but i didn't found any of these letter and i haven't read them.After we broke up she said she burned it.One of the problem was that i was with her since she has moved to my city and she didn t meet friends here to hang out with. So she was alone when she wasn t with me. In last two mounts iI didn t want to see her so often so she had lots of time for thinking. I would get out with my friends and left her home alone even though she stayed only for me in my home town where she goes to college. I wasn t so supportive with her family problems that she was affected much i said to her that I don t want to hear about it. I even said that she is crazy. I m so sorry. But when she broke up with me everything cleared up for me. i want her back. I want to give her all that she deserves and be better to her and more supportive. But does she want it? A weak after we broke up I went to pick her up in her home town and drove her back to her apartment in my town. I bought her a rose i treated her nicely I wanted to take her for launch and have nice time with her but it didn t do any good. She said she needs time to think about it and that she felt as we were good friends.

    That hurts. We have kept in touch for two weeks i used to call her every day and chat about everything. She had really good times since she broke up with me. She went twice skiing with her parents, she partied allot with her old friends she seemed really happy most of the times. She is now moving to her own apartment the things went so good for her after break up.

    On the other side i felt really desperate. I went to skiing, i partied a lot but it didn t do any good i felt so empty and i think of her every day, hour... I m afraid of losing her completely and I can t imagine her with another that drives me nuts. I asked her if she had someone and at first she said i have no wright to ask her that but after i pushed her she said she do. Then i start criticise her and ask her how can she be with someone after so little and then she said she doesn t have anybody but also that i m pushing her away with such scenes. I really think she doesn t have anybody after all that mess with our relationships but there is always doubt and it is killing me.

    For last two weeks I stopped calling her or sending SMSs. I decided to switch tactics. I m not acting like her friend no more. She didn t call me either for a week and then she send me sms just saying hello and asking how am I. I answered her that stars are again on my side... Just that... Two days later she is back in my home town. She has many finals now and i think she is all in that.

    I felt weak one day because i wanted to see her and i called her. She didn't answered and i sent her a message in which i said i just want to hear how is she. She called me next day and we talk for a while ,she said she was busy so she couldn t answer me yesterday. Bull * * * *. I think she now plays with me like i played with her when we were together.She said we must keep in touch. I will wait until she is done with her exams and i wan t call her back until she will.I want to see her to show her how i improve my self and how i have become better person.More self confidence.I m in shape now and i look great but when i was with her i wasnt so because i didn't care. I m clear now with my self I know what i want I think she will love new me.

    I want her back. What do you think is there any chance, and tell me what would be your advice?

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