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Posts posted by cnookie

  1. Well, first of all thanks for ideas =) and well he is into sports, he loves football and snowboarding... His interests? Well let's put it this way, he is a big kid and likes everything that has to do with Playstations, Fifa, PSP and all those things... but I can't buy him any of that, because he really needs to concentrate on his work now rather than fooling around the whole time.

    Generally, he is attracted to everything that is not normal as in special or unique in one way or the other...

    Yeah, langerie is a good idea but we already had that... so i'll have to come up with something new...

  2. Hey, I'm sorry this might not sound too important, but I'm really desperate for advice. My boyfriend's Birthday is next week and since he's conserved his childish perception he wants a very special present.

    And yes... I still haven't done anything about it. If you have any ideas or suggestions as to what I could find for him in one weekend, I'd be really thankful!

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