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Posts posted by tiraffee39

  1. well my ex contacted me lastnight, a surprise to me, but we talked, well she talked and everytime i tried to talk she snapped at me,and i didnt talk about our relationship at all she keep bringing it up, is this a normal thing to have so much anger towards me, she tells me she doesnt care what i do or who i see, but she is calling my friends to find out were i go and who i see, any one have any advice please

  2. thanks i sent her a letter telling her i understand her position and if she needs anything to contact me, and if she doesnt want to talk to me let her mother know and i will get it, also told her i would be here for her in anyway. i just hope i didnt screw up things any worse than they can be, its been since jan 12 since the nc

  3. me and my ex broke up 3 weeks ago, i broke up with her before i found out she was pregnant. it wasnt a nasty break up, just miscommuniction. but i tried everything for her to forgive me but she wouldnt. i said something that reminded her of a old ex that treated her very badly, i told her to keep the engagement ring as a parting gift. thats all that was said, she believes that words are stronger than actions and i dont, i have always, except for this once treated her very well. she will still talk to me if i talk first but i have nc for a week now. its hard but i know its for the best for me, but i want to find out how her doctors appointment went, should i talk to her. and 1 more thing why is she making sure i know how happy she is that its over between us, how can she not care, everything was perfect before this happen, i dont understand why throw away something so good over childish words

  4. its hard to let the love of you life go, when all this came about some silly little childish words, that has never happened before, and why is that she is only thinking of those words, when there was so much good in our relationship, and a very bright furture for us. i guess i will never understand this, but i will take everyones advice and no contact

  5. yes she is having the baby and i did tell her what ever she needs iam here for her.i just dont understand why she lets something so small ruin a great relationship. she use to never go on msn but now everytime i go on she goes on if i appear offline, with in 5 minutes she signs out, and little sayings after her name and i know they are directed at me, like "one month into the new year and its the best year so far" and " i love my past, i love my present and iam not ashamed i have it no longer"i dont know if its our age difference iam older than her, is these signs should i talk to her or give her space and time to figure out her feelings

  6. she is not the type to talk about feelings at all, i always had to read between the lines so that is what is confusing me, i know he she is a very passive person, and would always hint to what she wants so is this just a hint or am i reading more into it

  7. here is a little bit more to what happened, we were so happy it was like a dream come true, we have known eack other for 2 years but only after a year we became partners, i ask here to marry me 2 month ago and she was so happy it was unreal. then things changed, she treated me different. I told her i wanted her to go the rest of her life with a smile on her face, and if i wasnt doing it for her i would let her go. it continued so i let her go, i told her to keep the ring as a parting gift, very childish on my part but i was frustrated and then only to find out that the reason she was treating me different is because she was pregnant. so i tried everything to get her back but no she didnt want no part of it. i sent flowers and all that iam sorry stuff. and now she is making sure i find out that she is so happy, but her mother is saying different. i have had no contact with her, i also quit a league we were in because she was there first and i didnt want her to fell uncomfortable if i went, she got angry at me for quiting, telling, me she dont really care if i quit but why quit something i love to do, she tried everything to get me to go but it would of be hard on me to, just to see her, but i thought it was best for her to quit. but why is she going out of her way to make sure i think she is happy and that she is better of without me, i have never treated her badly, except for saying those crazy words, and i have told her it was childish of me. should i continue with the no contact, and let her make the first move which her mother tells me she will do in time, she thinks . any advive would be great

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