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Posts posted by xoxclairexox

  1. I'm in an 18 month relationship at the moment which is getting a bit tedious but yesterday I met up with my ex, who I've been apart from for about 20 months and was with for a good year and a bit, as friends and it was so amazing. I hadn't seen him since June and we got on better than we ever have before. He kept wanting to hold my hand and we just clicked all over again.


    Now I feel torn all over again, all of the past memories and feelings have returned and although my ex is single I feel like if he got involved with anyone I'd be so upset. After we broke up he would always ask me advice on girls that he liked but it didn't bother me because I was over him but now it would bother me so much if he liked someone else.


    Last night when he'd driven the 3 hours home (it was a long distance relationship) he rang me and we were on the phone for a good hour. We always talk on the phone and say 'Love you' in a friendly way but last night somehow was different, I said I loved him at the end and he said loves ya too but then after we'd said a proper goodbye he said 'I love you' seriously and then put the phone down. Then he text me saying he missed me already, he's never ever said that he missed me before and I don't know if any of you have been through this but it's the hardest thing to be torn between your partner who you're not sure of your feeling for and your ex who you just love so much. Despite the way he was acting yesterday, I'm not sure if the feelings are mutual...


    I'm not sure whether to tell him and risk our friendship or to keep it quiet and keep it as friends. This guy broke my heart once but now I really don't know what to do.

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