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Posts posted by DuelingJesture

  1. Hello to all you people that care to read this. I had this dream the other night. A dream that had me thinking for along time before I told anyone. You see I changed alot sense the death of... her and I have been trying my best to hide form my true emotions. This is the Dream though so tell me what you think.



    I was running with a group of soilders through this forest. I was running scared for this creature was following me and my men. My men were being picked off one by one till it was only me and i was alone. I run feeling the true adrenilin running through my body here in the real world. I heard the sound of trees braking and the creature drowing near. I tripped several times dropping my weapons, and my helmet. Then i was captured by this creature and lifted into the sky. I was hanging from a huge birds claw that felt cold against my skin like it was made of metal.


    So this robot bird took me to this city that was burning and in ruin. I flue over the city and saw dead bodies and blood that filled the streets. The bird the dived towards the ground and get go of me. I was now in a fog that started to fade to the side, like a curtin being pulled away. Then I saw a man standing there with two swords on the ground at his feet drowning in blood. I saw the man clear as I see anyone who is walking down the steet. He was crying but not sobbing. His hands were covered in blood. He turned and then i saw who he was. That man was me.



    I think that this may mean something. I might already know what it is but I want to see what you guys think about this. Till the Have Fun.

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