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Posts posted by tray25

  1. Thanks for reading and your opinions are welcome.


    Almost two weeks ago I got dumped by my girlfriend who is 20 yrs. old. We had been together for a total of 3 months. For the last 4 weeks she stopped the sex, affection, kissing, and everything else but hanging out and calling. My reaction was what the hell is going on? May have been the wrong reaction. I thought she wasn't into me or that she liked someone else. I kept bugging her about it. She said she was not feeling well. She went to the doctor for migraines, she was losing her hair, no sex drive, and etc. I tried to support her but I would always get yelled at or she would be sharp with me. We were arguing a lot in those 4 weeks but I just wanted to help and know what was going on. Well, almost two weeks ago she dumped me, citing that she was tired of not making me happy, or that she wasn't giving me what I wanted. I said my apologies and said I just wanted to be treated better and that I would always be there for her if she was sick. But to no avail, she would not call me back. I tried for a couple days but no answer. So then I quit. One week later she texted me "I do miss you". Being a normal person who would think that this was a positive sign I said "me too" and called her the next day to see if she wanted to meet. She texted me back this "I don't know what I want to do. Just give me a while. I'm sorry". I was giving up at this point and wrote this back "No worries. If you could give me a chance to show you change rather than tell you, that would be great. If not, that's okay too because sometimes you get one shot and if that's the case then there is nothing more I can do. I hope you let me win your heart. Take care." This was all I said and left it at that. I haven't heard from her since and its been 4 days. I feel guilty for losing this girl but at the same time angry that she wouldn't even call me back after she broke up. Was this my fault? Was I too needy even though I just wanted answers? I just wanted to help if she was sick but at the same time be treated fairly. What should I do now? Anyone think she will have a change of heart? Or is she gone. Did she use her health as an excuse to get rid of me? I just want answers or closure, I can't seem to get it from her. I like her a lot, and just feel guilty if I pushed her too much when she was sick. I have never dated a young girl before so I need some opinions on what the hell just happened.



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