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Posts posted by toofer

  1. I always lose a girl's interest. For example, I was going out to a bar this weekend to meet a girl and her friends. She was texting me every 30 minutes asking where I was and if I was coming. I got there, and was with her alot in the bar and I asked her to come by after the bar, she said yes. After the bar I was texting her and interest level seemed to drop like crazy. I got home later then expected and when I called her she didn't pick up. She called me the next day and said she fell asleep and lately she doesn't seem into me at all.


    I do not have trouble getting intial interest from a girl. I exercise like crazy, play on a minor league sports team and a university student. Its just I always lose there it. I think I come on too desperate. Many times I get interest from a girl and I can't push things farther then being just friends and I end up barely talking to them again. For once I want to have a girl's interest level keep increasing instead of the other way around. Anyone have any advice?

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