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Posts posted by floaton89

  1. I'm 16 and as sad as it is true, many teens my age are heavy drinkers religiously. Which leads me to my boyfriend who's 17, we've been dating for 7 months. When we first started dating I knew he was a heavy drinker...I drink, but it's like once or twice a month.


    I don't have a problem with my boyfriend being an alcoholic, he's just drunk at night, but whenever we hang, he's completely sober...he comes over sometimes after he's gotten drunk with his buddies and he's not really a different person, it doesn't bother me that every night (literally) he's out getting drunk with his buddies because he's always there for me and I know what he's like drunk...I do get drunk with him on occasion.


    Leads me to my question...what happens to him and people like him who are alcoholics at a young age? He's very bright and he's a good guy...you couldn't even tell he was an alcoholic...and i've asked him this...why do they get drunk EVERY night? and he says it's fun...


    just want your thoughts on teen drinking...

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