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Posts posted by pollyanna

  1. Jynx, I feel like you actually understand. Thanks for your perspective. I know that is how i have been managing so far, just not thinking about it. But lately I just feel so alone that I don't have a bf and it just brings up the fact that I am alone in general. Any other advice is still welcome and appreciated.

  2. Lately I have been crying every day. I feel so bad because I am alone and the guys I like don't like me. I see the girls they go for are very pretty and normal and happy. I come from a broken family. Even though I love my family and see them every few years I don't have a relationship with them that is close like most people. I'm afraid no guy will ever want to be with a girl like me. I feel like I have so much love to give and I want to share it with a guy. But then, I feel so resentful and upset at how I was raised, so alone. I feel like there is no meaning in my life. I have tried doing things on my own, hobbies etc, that was fun for a while but not anymore. I want someone to share it with. Any advice is appreciated.

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