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Posts posted by JoeyNJoni

  1. Hey


    My story is complicated kinda hope someone can help me. We'll I started going out with my gf a year from sat.. the bad part is she broke up with me 3 days before are one year anniversary. My girl has a 2 yr old daughter. I've known her for along time we grew up togeather and went to church togeather. i always liked her but was always shy and never approached her even though I thought she knew I liked her. To make a long story short. After being engaged to another guy she got rid of him and her daughter was one yr old at the time. She started coming back to church. I started talking to her and going out places with her and just hanging out with her. We'll we started dating and everything was great. But at first she was real serouis about me we where both serouis but I was kinda scared and for a couple of months our relationship was great but i was kinda not as serouis bout her. We'll to make along story short about a month ago we went and looked at rings togeather. And I love her so much now and want to spend the rest of my life with her. Her parents are nice but the are way over protective of her. We'll last week her sister her husband his 3 brothers and their wives went to Garner for 4 days. her parents were suppose to go but got mad because they thought she was trying to sneal me up their to be with her. So they didnt go. So she went with them up there. I dont know what happened up there. But the day she came home she got mad at me and by the end of the night she broke up with me told me she didnt know if she loves me. I was so upset I cryed for a week straight. i called her the other day and asked her what i did are what happened and ask her Why we looked at rings and stuff if she didnt even like me and knew this. We'll I didnt call her for about 4 days. She never gave me a reason for breaking up with me except that she doesnt know if she loves me. We'll i called her this morning and talked to her jokingly like I am not upset at all and i am doing fine right. We'll I went and ate lunch with her today and it was so nice. And I thought that was it i want hear from her in a while. that was about 2 o'clock. then at about 3:30 she calls me and ask me if i want to go to the park and play volleyball with her and mazy(her daughter) I was like of course. We'll I think we are good friends right now but she reminded me just as friends. Does anybody know how to help me. i love her so much and i want to spend the rest of my life with her what should I do? I dont know if she is scared, are if it's because she wants to just raise her daughter by herself all of a sudden are did she just try to make her self love me beccause I would be a great dad for her daughter. I have know idea. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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