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Posts posted by anony123

  1. When does he smoke? Smoking can be fun, but in moderation. Once or twice a month, and at most once a week during social things is definitely not a problem.


    When people start to smoke more and more, until its eventually daily.. things are going wrong in their life. It might be they have no goals, no interests or they might be depressed. A fair number of the people I know that slowly worked themselves up into daily smokers eventually started turning to harder stuff as well. First is usually "shrooms" or LSD. Neither are near as bad as their reputations, but its the beginning. ecstasy often follows until they become bold enough to try a "real" drug such as cocaine. And this is not coming from the ignorant masses. I used to smoke quite alot. I have a $160 bubbler that I still keep around for memories. After I stopped (and I don't mean for two weeks) everything began to improve in my life.


    Again, I really hate to be cliche. The change might take weeks, months, or even over a year.. but it happens. You don't want to be tied down with somebody like that anyhow, even if they don't go overboard. Find somebody you can love AND be proud of.

  2. I'm just scared that it could happen again. She completely broke all trust and had no difficulty keeping the lie going for two weeks.... She was at my house one week ago. I knew something was not right so I asked her very simply: "Will you always be mine?" and she answered straight faced, yes.. always"..


    Not only that but she KEPT IT UP for two weeks. She could have realized she made a mistake then told me a couple of weeks later.. But she kept it up until the day before she told me.


    She has agreed to never talk to or see the person again. She told him through a third party friend. I still don't know what to do..

  3. I can't understand this, and I don't know what to do. I have been in, what I thought, was a close relationship for 3 years now. Over the past year or so my girlfriend had been acting strange, slowly becoming more distant and stubborn in everything.


    I just found out that she has been making out with a 'friend' that she has liked since the 10th grade (We are now both juniors in college) for the past two weeks.


    She told me, in tears. She said it made her understand how much she actually appreciates me, and that she didn't really know what she wanted until now.. and it's me. She felt so guilty she said. All of this yet she kept it up for two weeks... She blatantly lied to me multiple times over these weeks. I called and he was even over there once. She says all they did was kiss and console each other. I'm not even sure about that. I don't know what to believe anymore. I DO believe she feels horrible and does want me back... She said before she felt like I was her "safety net". But now that she truly understands what love is, and does love me..


    I don't know what to feel.. I'm so angry, but strangely, not at her. Just angry. Also horribly depressed.. somebody with any advice.. please help.

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