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Posts posted by jmitch2180

  1. well, let's see what other people think.......


    I am sorry you are going through this. something to think about.... do you want to spend the rest of your life with a woman who buys stuff that costs $$$$$ and is always looking at the label? that's great if you are going into a career where you will be rich and travel in high society, but if you are an everyday guy, maybe that is not a lifestyle you would like or be able to afford...


    she comes from a very wealthy family (her father is a CEO) and money isn't an object. If I were to stay with her, I'd be all set.


    Money isn't everything to me though. I look at people before their possessions.

  2. um, so why did she blow you off? did you just ask her directly?


    Just got a text that said "family just left, call me".


    I guess she couldn't call me with her family around.....


    sucks because both of my bothers spent all day with their girlfriends. I barely spoke with mine.


    I hope I don't sound like a complaining fool.

  3. welcome to enotalone.


    hm. is she ok? like, not in the hospital or something? when you finally hear from her, she'd better have a good explanation why she didn't contact you! i think it's pretty unacceptable to do that to a SO on christmas, she sounds rather flakey.


    how is your relationship otherwise?


    The relationship is fine. I see her 4 times a week, I usually stay at her place. We have our disagreements, but what couple doesn't?


    She's alright. I was chatting online with her roommate who spoke with her an hour ago and she was still home with family.


    She just has a mind of her own, I guess.

  4. hey everyone. im new to this, i just joined tonight because i need some advice.


    First, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a 22 year old college student in CT and I play ice hockey for my school. I'm a pretty good looking guy (not to sound full of myself) and I've been dating my girlfriend for a year and a half. I love her a lot, she's been through a lot in her life, and I know she loves me.


    That being said, her and I get along fairly well. We bicker sometimes and disagree on a good amount of things, but always love to cuddle up and go to sleep together. Sometimes she's hard to communicate with, though. She's very into money, and always has to have the best of the best. When she shops, she looks at the price tag before the actual product. I, on the other hand, am a guy of bargains. I look for the cheaper deals and settle for mediocre. I drive my 1998 Accord that I plan on running into the ground, and she drives a 2005 BMW 330i. I'm in my second relationship, and this is her first serious relationship. She's a year older than I am.


    Today's Christmas. I put a lot of thought into her gift, and I ended up getting her a massage at a local spa, a North Face jacket, a nice ankle bracelet and some scratch-offs. We planned to exchange gifts today (she lives 25 mins away) but she text-messaged me last night to ask if we could do it a different day. Fine by me.


    We didn't see each other today, which is unfortunate but again, fine. I called her around 1pm, she said she had to go because she was getting ready, and at 12midnight, I still haven't heard from her. Being Christmas, I feel kinda shafted.


    Do I have a right to feel upset, or am I being a wimp? Is not talking to your sig. other on Christmas odd?


    Please help me out here.

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