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Posts posted by CraigTGR

  1. I have been with this girl for 1 year and about 3 months and we dont live together but we are moving in 2 months. So anyone she is always on the computer. I checked her logs once to see what she does and this guy she knew way before but online only they use to like each other I guess. His name is same as mine (Craig) so anyway I would read her things kind of snooping around and he would say he still loves her and things. It really upset me and I asked her to stop being his friend and she said for no so long and finally stopped or so I thought like 3 months later I saw her aim buddylist with him on it and I signed on it and first person to message her was him so I read his profile and it has convos of them talking and he is like I love you Sandy(my girlfriend)


    So I got really pissed she lied to me and she says I dont talk to him he just obessed with me. I kind of stopped talking to her for a week but she called crying so I got back with her because I love her a lot. So kind of something like that happen all over again with a new guy? I think I dont really know his name she is really secretive now she clears all her cookies and stuff so I cant get nothing on her computer when I am over. She use to talk this new guy and he would flirt with her and stuff and I asked her to stop talking to her she said okay.


    I saw her online a lot so one day I came over and surprised her and she got off the computer and fell asleep so I went to snoop around on her computer because I dont want to get hurt again. So she plays this game Its some weird game and I look at her friends and I see "CindysMan" and I look the E-Mail and its this new guy(could be the other craig for all I know) but still she said she was going to stop to him so its like Round 2. The only problem is I was snooping around and I know if I confront her about she will change the subject to be being in her business.


    I dont know what to do I cant believe she is betraying me again. I dont know if I should leave her because I really love her but I am sick of being played like this. I cant even ask her about it because she will just yell at me for going in her buisiness but otherwise I would never found out about the first guy.


    So its either:

    1. Leave her and let this guy online have her. Which is hard because I never loved anyone like her.

    2. Confront her and get yelled at then lied too again? I have no idea if she will keep going.

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