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Posts posted by jdn782

  1. hello


    i think every guy has asked themselves am i gay?most think well girls turn me on so obviously i cant be. well this always was me. and i cant make sense of this.


    First off im 20 year old male. ive been with a girl for 7 months now and i do like her alot.

    .ill start from my young years. myt dad is very quiet. never really hugged me or touched me at all.wasnt affectionate at all. (#1 enviormental influence of homosexuality). i mean i did "guy stuff" with him like play catch in the yard and rake up leaves an so forth. i have 3 older brothers who always picked on me and i always ran to my mom cuz i was her "baby".this could possibly also be an enviormental influence. i have had and still do have alot of male friends who i feel no attraction for.

    wen i was probaly 8 or 10 me and a few of my friends would do stuff together i wont go into detail. it wasnt an intimate expierience.but more of a curious expierience. I have read that this is normal and doestn mean one is gay. so come Jr High i started liking girls. i had crushes on a few. and found that i was turned on by girls in short shirts and short shorts(always had a fetish for legs)

    this fetish continued into high school and i still have it now.it is my only reasoning for thinkin im not gay


    my high school years were mainly normal i kept to myself and that was pretty much it.i mostly played backyard football and playstation with a few of my friends.the normal guy things. it wasnt till my sophmore year of college which i began to doubt myself.i fing wen i look at guys i feel more of an attraction as opposed to lookin at girls. ive really been feeling that physical attraction towards other men.


    the first time i had intercourse ever was with a girl las year i was hard and aroused wen we were makin out and stuff, but during sex i lost my erection. i thought ok first time i was nervous and i never had intecourse before that with neone( i never had sex with a man either)

    so wen i met my girlfriend awile ago i found myself attracted to her and i love touching her (and you kno were i mean) then i had sex with her a few weeks ago and it all went smoothly i climaxed and everything.i dont fantasize about men and i dont strive to have sex with them...its jus that lately i really am startin to think guys are hot


    i kno im the only one who could decided wether or not im gay, but i would jus like opinions from homosexuals who know wat its like. i really hope im not gay.no disresect to any gay people i think if you are happy with it then who is anyone else to say. i have met gay people in my life and they are jus as normal as heterosexuals.but being gay would completely mess up my goals and dreams. one day id really like to have a family and kids.

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