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Posts posted by lovestruck

  1. considering you work in a legal environment this person should be well aware of the term "Sexual harassment". It's a major crime and is punishable. I agree with the other response you received on this topic, you need to inform him right now that he's making you uncomfortable and that the advances he's pursueing with you are unwelcomed and you want him to stop. Also, I would start printing off the emails he sends to you in order to cover your own a** (parden the use of wording). In fact send him an email along with telling him in person that he needs to stop and print off a copy for your files. Start keeping notes with times and dates stating what happened and what was said. This person has major issues and is obviously too sure of himself. Too many women are afraid of saying anything especially when it's a new job, however if the situation is brought up to a supervisor it can not be discussed between individuals outside of those involved or they will also be within grounds of termination from employment. When walking out to catch your buss, if you feel it necessary for your own safety, have someone you trust walk with you in order to witness anything that could possibly happen. This man is not someone I would want to consider a friend, he's more like a stalker than anything. Don't give him the amusement of joining him for lunch, that's sending mixed signals. Be strong and stand your ground and he'll hopefully back off, however, don't wait to kick it in the butt either.

  2. I have been dating this guy for almost a year now. Lately it feels as though he's been pushing me away, but just when I think I'm ready to actaully walk he comes back around. We use to be pretty close spending time together and now we barely see each other. He use to call me several times a day and that's pretty much gone, if I want to talk to him I have to be the one to call. I have recently found out that he was asking an ex of his out behind my back and then when confronted he said he didn't want to lose me over it and stopped talking to her completely. Things just seem to keep going down hill between us and I can't seem to stop it. I care for this person alot and I'm not really ready to lose him. How do you fight to keep that person in you life, how can you tell if they are really wanting out of a relationship.

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