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Posts posted by hedonist

  1. Hi,


    First time poster on this site. Luckily, I stumbled accross it. Need some advice on what to do. Have been with my high school sweetheart for over a dozen years. We started dating when she was young,and I was her first lover. There was another guy she loved, but I was her first sexual experience. For the first 5 years or so, she idolized me. We were struggling, but still had each other. From that point on, our relationship changed. She seemed to still love me but not idolize me. The sex got worse. To make matters worse, she would occasionaly bring up her first love and I always felt she wondered what life would be like with another. We grew distant, I had a lot to do with that, and I met another woman. One became a few and in a year, I partied like I never did when I was young. The women offerred me what my wife had not. They made me feel good about myself. Anyway, I started to spend more time out of state to be with another woman, and we decided to separate. We also said we could do what we want. Well, I found out she is now speaking to the first guy she loved and would bring up. I love her but feel betrayed (I know I have been unfaithful and am already dealing with the guilt). I guess I feel that this was planned all along and that maybe even them talking is the same as her sleeping with him. I do not want to wonder if she will be with him or anyone else. At the same time, I think she needs this time to decide if I am the one. She has not dated really and does not have anything to compare me to. Shall I divorce her or is that just a preemptive strike ? She also knows if she sleeps with anyone, I will not ever take her back. Help!

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