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Posts posted by Hetnils

  1. I am a woman too but I would not do that to a guy...you drove 5 hrs means you really liked her but if she does ignore you again then it signals that you are cute enough to go ur own way. It is best if you just call her up or go to her and solve this situation. Ask her straight up what does she really wants and tell her what you want, in that way both of you can solve this. If u love her...tell her. She might think that u are still not into her thats why she kept emailing and asking questions.


    I hope this helps..any further suggestions from anyone?

  2. Hi,

    I am a 22 yrs old student currently concentrating on my career. I met my boyfriend during Feb 2006 and we become friends back home in our country. When I went overseas for studies we start emailing each other alot and talked about sex, problems and joke around alot. I am supposed not to fall in love with him as I am a person who cannot handle my studies and being in Love. If I fall in love this would mean I will make emotional decisions and wanting to be with him quickly. Well...last month (Nov 2006) he said he wants to start a family with me which makes me even scared as I am not sure because my plans haven't reached that point yet. These are my following problems:

    - he is 6 years older than me so I think he would have short term plans while I have long term plans and this would not match.

    -I am planning to stay overseas for 7 more years to continue my career so this would become a problem for him and me in the long term... I guess.

    -I emailed him for months now but I feel like I still do not know him well but I only know I am so in love with him.

    -I am not sure if this is my last chance because what if I turn 30 or so and regret what I have done.

    -Should I tell him to wait? should I say yes?Should I ask for his plans?


    An advice here would so much be helpful.


    Thank you

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