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Posts posted by bowman2353

  1. So why is it only ok or normal for Girls to play hard to get and not Guys???


    So we guys should be available all the time, but the women are busy? Doesn't that make us look boring and lame? Personally I am probably more busy with work, sports, and other activities than most of the women I have dated.


    I just don't get all of this game playing. I called a girl I have been dating and wanted to hangout with her when we got back from vacation and she said she was busy that night. I take she will contact when when she is free? Or am I too easily phased. Do I really need to keep calling her to get her attention. I had no idea women needed to be pursued that hard. I thought it was a two way street and constant contacting woud be annoying.


    Thanks for the eye opener Marthaamydear!

  2. Ya we have texted each other a few times while we were away. And I called her once and she called me. So I guess we have established communication of that sort. But nothing like calling to say goodnight or anything.


    It just seems like we were really progressing on those dates and then all of a sudden two long breaks.


    Good idea about the simple gift annie. I will work on that.


    One other question of you don't mind. Is it appropriate to ask girls to go work out with you and other outdoor activities like that? Rather that just formal dates early on. I know she likes to run and so do I so I thought it would be fun to ask her to come with me sometime. Or do you think I should save that stuff to do with my guy friends?

  3. How do you handle the holidays with a new budding relationship?


    I have taken a girl out on 4 dates this past month. Things have gone well and it would be great to see her more....but then all of a sudden BAM Thanks Giving vacation for a week....then we will both be back in town and then BAM we are both gone for two weeks for Xmas and New Years.


    I have learned in past relationships that it really takes work and effort to get to know someone and make a relationship work. It feels like these holidays could really impede progress with this girl I am trying to date.


    We both work long hours, so it is not like we get to see each other much when we ARE in town. Maybe once or twice a week we have seen each other.


    Any thoughts to get around this or help our relationship grow?


    p.s. Maybe I am going to just have to bite the bullet and wait the holidays out for things to grow. Nothing like just meeting someone you are really into and then having to wait to get to know him or her more. I just don’t want her to loose interest from not seeing each other because she really seems into me right now.


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