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Posts posted by kandaos

  1. Thank you all for your advice so far! I am taking everything said onboard! Still very very confused and feeling worse than ever because I have been hiding my regret and pain from myself and its all starting to surface!! Please keep the advice coming!!

  2. Hi,


    I will try and make this as short as possible, any advice would be much appreciated!


    I have been with my boyfriend for the past 4 and a half years, we have lived together for 4 years. I am still very young, only 21 but we are in a 'mature' relationship. At the 3 year mark we decided we were bored with our lives at home so decided to travel. We saved up and then left to come over to London. We've done a lot travelling whilst we've been over here (almost 12 months).


    Trouble is we became friends with a great bunch of people over here and I started having a relationship with one of the other guys about 3 months ago. My boyfriend and I have been getting more and more distant since this started and I can't tell if its because of me (he doesn't know about it) or if the relationship has run its course. I know I love my boyfriend and cannot imagine my life without him but I am beginning to think that I need some time away.


    Naive I know, but I would love to spend a couple of month away from him and meet up again at home. Only other problem is that I have very strong feelings for the person I am cheating with, he is originally from another country than me but this relationship has the potential to work.


    I don't know what to do, I know I can't carry on the way I am as I am hurting my boyfriend, my 'cheating partner' (as he has fallen for me) and myself. I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING IS WRONG BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO STOP MYSELF!!! I have cried myself to sleep many nights.....


    PLEASE SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE!!!!! I can't talk to anyone about this.

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