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Posts posted by ckman

  1. First of all - thanks to all the people that responded - 6 replies in 30 minutes - amazing support!


    In my previous post I wrote "I had an amazing" - I should have wrote "I had an amazing date." The story is, we had a date a week and a half ago - I called four days after (thought that was an appropriate amount of time) and left a message wondering if she would be interested in going for coffee again. Week has passed - no response. I really like this girl as we really clicked. She was laughing a lot and there was all implied agreement that we would go for coffee again. Should I call back and leave another message just to be sure? Or, should I forget about her? How long until I should write someone off as not interested? Do I sound too weird if I call a second time?


    -Arg - I'm usually never so attracted to someone so quickly.

  2. I had an amazing with this girl who I met by being set up by a mutual friend. Due to time, I got the vibe that she would be all gung-ho about going on a second date. I called her 7 days ago and I haven't heard since. How long is too long to wait? Should I forget about her? Should I call her again to make sure she got my message?



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