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Posts posted by Snojbar

  1. I might not go insane.

    This is my first post, normaly im good with helping people with problems but im having one of my own and i know how hard it is to see straight when amongst the problem in hand.


    Im a 20 year old male student, studying illustration (2nd year) I met an amazing girl last year on some chat room, it was both our first time chatting toeachother and we have hit it off really well. She is 17 and is from Canada so already there is the distance thing. Well up until now we havent had a problem after like a year of talking very soon in middle of november.. Needless to say this girl is so special to me.. we have both helped eachother and provided eachother with someone to talk to who really cares. Id like to point out that i have never before been involved with a girl on the internet or had i planned too.


    Her ex boyfriend had messed things up for her big time back in her home town.. and like she lost many of her friends due to his selfishness... She deserves the best and i really feel that she is so special. Lately she has made new friends one of them includeing a guy called Chris and the problems have started since he has been involved.. she has told me he means nothing to her but i know he likes her.. he has tryed to split what we have up before by telling her that she doesnt know what i get up to behind her back.. and she was very confused and we had argued for the first time.. since that she has met with this guy and other friends and she came back from seeing them and was off with me again.. like confrontational about it.. i asked why and it resulted in another argument.. this is really killing me.. so ive been trying to be supportive to her new friends. she said that the reason is that shes scared of looseing me... which i find hard to understand i feel as strongly for this girl as you can having not met her yet. I have planned to go visit her over christmas and this has given us somthing to aim at.. our parents are both very supportive and things seem to be going ok.. but my mind always wants to focus on stupid little things like this guy calls her and texts her when im speamking to her.. its soo hard. Im very insecure and have had alot of problems in the past (with my disabled parents) but i try to sound positive.


    Please.. PLEASE would someone help me in how i should feel about certain things.. why do i feel so bad? why do i feel like im gonna loose her and that everytime she doesnt sound as enthusiastic as before do i feel that she is slowly ditatching herself from me.


    I just got off the phone to her and we spoke about alot.. she keeps telling me that im not gonna loose her.. which is great i believe her and trust her. But i just some place i can come and speak to about this.. as im on my own.


    Roll on christmas


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