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Posts posted by 97jeepkid

  1. I am almost positive its not a comfort thing. I know she is very comftorble with me. I am the first guy she as done this stuff with and its taken time for her to be willing to share her body with me, but she is there now and she has no hangups arround me. She definitely expresses body language and sounds that indicate she is being VERY pleased with what I do. thereforeeee I cant imagine its because she would be afraid of my mental response to her physical reaction from an orgasm.


    To the second poster, the same thing happens when I finger her. I dont think she is ready for sex yet, so I dont ask for that. Besides, I think she wants to move past this issue so when we do decide to have sex I wont have to stop prematurely. Instead, she wants us to be able to come together.

  2. My girlfriend and I have been going out for 2 years and have been doing oral for a few months. Were both 20 and virgins, I dont know if this is helpful but she has never masterbated, nor has had the desire to, and before we went out she says she never had any sexual desire. I guess my question is, is it common for a woman to stop or want to push away right before she reaches orgasm? Does anyone else have an experience like this? Its not a problem with me, I know she likes what I do but I really would like to take her to the next level. It's like we get a great mood going and she really enjoys it, but then just as it gets intense she pushes me away. She tells me she doesnt know why she wants to stop...sometimes she just doesnt want to continue, other times the feeling becomes too much and sometimes it gets ticklish. What do you guys think? Is there anything we could try differently or are there any techniques any of you guys have used to overcome this problem? It this common moreso among sexual newbies? Thanks in advanced for the responses!

  3. I have a few questions and I really need some answers and advice. So any thing you guys can offer would help a lot.


    To set the scene…my girlfriend and I have been going out for two years now, were both 20 and were virgins. My girlfriend’s parents were divorced when she was ten, she feels the reason they got married in the first place was because her dad knocked her mom up with her older brother. Her mom got married again a few years ago because she was pregnant again, currently her mom and step dad are in the motions for getting divorced…again. She also has told me that she never masturbates and until she met me she had no interest in sex. So naturally I would expect that she would have some issues with intimacy.


    The issues begin to conflict in our relationship because she wont to do anything to me. I eat her out a lot, we make out, we play, cuddle, kiss, etc. but she rarely does anything sexual to me. She gives hand jobs once in a while, but I think she dislikes doing it and she WILL NOT even think about giving me a blow job or having sex. I do not believe in the “you do me, ill do you” bedroom philosophy, but I feel as she should have an interested in performing on me with a bit more frequency. She has told me that she feels bad but she has no desire to please me sexually, she also says that it may be because she is not ready to do this stuff to me yet, but she is also very indecisive when she tells me these things so its unclear what really bothers her. I’m beginning to feel unwanted and unappreciated; it really bothers me that she won’t do this stuff to me. I make her feel wonderful but she won’t return the favor. When I do try to initiate a conversation about the subject, we always end up getting into an argument.


    It boils down to the fact that I care a lot about her, and I know she cares just as much about me. We have a great relationship other than the occasional sexual frustrations. In my opinion I believe she does not like performing on me because of her hang ups about sex. We have only been sexual for the past three month, so it’s not like this has been going on for the duration of our relationship, however, it is developing from a minor problem into an issue and I can see that if it persists it could be hazardous to our future together. Do you guys have any advice on how we can move past this? Should I stop doing stuff to her till she is ready to do it to me? Maybe you guys can offer a good way to approach the subject or a different way to initiate the conversation. Any help or advice you guys can offer would help me a lot, thanks!

  4. My girlfriend and I are both virgins. Were 20 and have recently discovered oral sex. I love eating here out! However I have a few questions and it seems like this is the best forum to ask. Whenever I do it for her, she stops me before she gets a chance to orgasm. Typically we go slowly, I gently work my way up and down her labia and up to her clit, then slowly move back and forth to her inner thighs and back accross the other side, teasing her spot very lightly with the tip of my tongue with each pass. She is very pleased with my teasing technique and after a few moments of this treatment; she practically forces my face into her vagina. It's at this point I focus mostly on her clit. I vary technique but it remains somewhat rhythmic. She has told me before that she likes me to apply light pressure while I fully explore her citreous with my tongue. This motion lasts for a few moments then her body langue will indicate she is done. I have asked her before why she becomes desensitized to what I am doing and she says the pleasure continually grows with every motion I make, then out of no where the please dissipates, and that it does not hurt but it begins to feel almost ticklish. Do you guys have any advice on how I can get her to last longer? It always feels like she is on the verge of orgasm and then it drifts away. Of course it's not a big deal, and were both happy with each other and what we do, I am just looking for some helpful advice to make things last a little longer. Thanks!

  5. My girlfriend and I are new to sex so we have decided to start off with oral (we're both virgins and have decided to hold off on intercourse for the time being). I eat her out as often as possible, and it always seems like I am doing the right thing but she has not had an orgasm yet. We have done it at least ten times now without her climaxing. My questions are, how long does it typically take for a woman with little sexual experience to achieve her first orgasm? How many sexual experiences did you guys (mainly for the women out there) go through before you came with your partner for the first time? And as a general rule of thumb, what works best to help her achieve it? Thanks!

  6. My girlfriend has recently expressed an interest in Oral Sex. Were both 20 and virgins, thereforeeee were a little inexperienced and shy about the subject. My intensions are to be nurturing, understanding and provide her with as much pleasure as humanly possible. I have read a lot on technique but the sources I have researched have never held up like they suggest. I think were still a little skittish about what we like and don't so when I ask what works she often says "I don't know" or something to that effect. When I do eat her out she seems to be responsive in her body language, but I want to take her to the next level. Any suggestions? I want to hear primarily from women and what they like. What typically works and what's the best way for a beginner to give a woman an orgasm? I know answering this question with exact steps applied to my gf is impossible, so I don't expect detail but I do want to understand fundamentally what you women feel when you're climaxing and what the difference between good oral and GREAT oral is. As I understand it, any gentle rhythmic licking and kissing of the vulva and clitoris feels great…is this true? How long should I keep it up? What is the difference between rhythm and repetition? When she does come, what physical signs should I look for (if she's the quiet type.) Are there any good books on the subject? Please help; I want this to happen badly. I greatly appreciate any advice you guys can give.

  7. Thank you all for the great responses, and please keep them coming!!! I'll try to answer all the questions from your posts so far.


    On a mental level we connect, we have a similar overall life philosophy and tend to agree on all social and political issues, plus we have many similar interests and we simply get each other (well, except on this issue).


    Typically, we can't keep our hands off each other and yes we do exercise more "innocent" sexual behavior.


    I know for absolute fact that she was not abused and I am her first in all aspects of being in a relationship.


    I don't think she sees sex and all things associated as being dirty but she does have poor self-esteem. She often critiques her body and her personality. However I am always there to tell her how I feel and how grateful I am for her being in my life. I think she's absolutely beautiful and I am in love with her mind and body. She did say to me one "I can't believe you like going to there" referring to me eating her out. I know she likes when I do it for her, I can tell by her body language. But when we talk about it she becomes very detached from the conversation and that's when I get the monosyllabic responses.


    She has several friends whom she confides in. As far as I know my girlfriend will not tell them anything about us. When we first started dating I did ask one of her best friends what her stance was regarding sex (I know it may have been inappropriate but I was naturally curious.) Her friend told me that my girlfriend never talked about it and was always a little uncomfortable if confronted with the subject.

  8. My girlfriend and I have been together for two years now, so far we have had a great relationship. Were both virgins, we did not even entertain the idea of sex until recently. She never said anything about our abstinence, and for the majority of the time I left well enough alone and never talked about the way I felt. We are both 20 now, and after two years I am somewhat frustrated that it has not happened yet.


    Within the past month we have been discussing sex more and experimenting when we can. So far I have performed oral on her about six times. I have done a lot of research on technique and do my best to fulfill all her needs in order to totally get her off. I always go slow, never pressure her and try to be responsive to her body language. She seems to enjoy what I do while its happening, but she does not communicate to me what's good, what's bad, or what she likes. When I ask all I get are short responses like "yes, its okay" or "sure, I like it". I ask her what works when she masturbates, in her response she gets very uncomfortable and says that shes never done it to herself and does not want to, or that she thinks is gross to touch herself. I never stress the issues thereforeeee our conversations are brief, I have asked if she would consider performing on me but once again she gets uncomfortable and indicates that will not happen. She has said she will not have sex until she is on birth control, which I am completely supportive of. However, she simply will not go visit a gynecologist, she has never been and she is 20.


    I try, I am compassionate and understanding of her situation and when we do talk about sex I listen to her carefully and attempt to interpret her weak answers but I still feel that were getting no where. I just end up feeling like she has no interest in this stuff and shes letting me go down on her to make myself happy. My main questions are why wont she communicate with me about her sexual likes and dislikes? The fact that she is 20 and never had the desire to masturbate let alone had sexual fantasies; does this indicate a possible sexual disorder? Is it common for a young woman to have such low sexual desire? Could it simply be a lack of physical attraction from her angle? I have entertained the idea of getting her a toy and possibly a book on the subject of female masturbation, do you guys think she would be receptive to this or would she freak out? I really enjoy her, I want to be with her and I am willing to wait as long as it takes for her to start becoming more sexual, but her behavior makes me feel like Im being selfish.


    Please, any general advice would be greatly appreciated.

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