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Posts posted by rich123

  1. I am 25 years old with a girlfriend of nearly 3 years. The last year or so of our relationship has been very tough for us as she has been ready to move to the next level(move-in, marrage), and i have not - this has resulted in a couple of "mini-breakups". I love her completely and she is my first long term relationship. I know that any man would be lucky to wind up with a woman like her for a wife. I had always remained faithful and walked away from opportunities where cheating would have been easy and i would not have gotten caught...


    I few months ago i started to have feelings for a co-worker who had been a good friend of mine, also a completely incredible person. while my girlfriend and i were broken up we had hung out and hooked up a little bit... However i was damaged goods and she knew it so we agreed to be friends rather than complicate things anymore than they were already. Although not techically cheating the guilt that i felt about this was still tremendous plus i truly care for the other girl from work


    My girlfriend and i got back together for the past 2 months or so and things had been going very well... my friend from work was dating other people and we still stayed good friends which made me so so happy. The other day we were talking after work, and my friend from work asked me if my girlfriend knew that she and i were such good friends. I told her the truth which was that my girlfriedn knew i had several friends from work, but she didnt know how close the two of us are... with that answer my friend from work has refused to speak to me since calling me nothing but a shady liar... i feel completely horrible for the situation in general for having to lie to my girlfriend, because i knew it meant that i still had feelings for this other girl...


    i am now completely confused - my girlfriend would definitely not be happy if she knew about this other girl, and i miss my friend so so much, plus i cannot handle feeling this guilt, it has affected my sleep eating and attitude. I was cheated on once before and it is a horrible horrible thing and i feel like a terrible person who does not know what to do with himself....PLEASE HELP ME i want to take the steps to do the right thing and not hurt either of these amazing, amazing people

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