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Posts posted by katy2006

  1. I cant possibly say if it will end up in marriage etc, but I can say I would be very happy for it do so. I quite willingly would spend the rest of my life with him, which is why I found it virtually impossible to even consider ending things with him when my parents demanded me too.


    Obviously I wouldnt marry for a long time yet, I wouldnt ever get married at my age like my parents did (another reason why I find it hard to agree with them - how can I be throwing my life away by having a relationship when they where married at 18?)

  2. Im 18 years old, 19 in March. My boyfriend is 26, he has a very good upbringing and has no bad history etc.


    I met H* in Feb 2005, We swapped numbers and began texting. We didnt realise each others age, but when we did we where both shocked, we knew straight away nothing could come of it. I really liked him and knew he liked me aswell, so having no contact appeared to be impossible. We carried on with texting and seeing each other out on Saturday nights, I must stress that this didnt involve anything sexual at all. I started dating someone in May 05 (someone my own age) to try and get over H, I was with this other person for nearlly 6 months and spent the whole time wanting to be with H. I spent the whole time cheating on him with H, H grew to hate me being with someone else and told me he couldnt bare it anymore and wanted us to be together. I was happy, its what I wanted, but I knew my parents would not be happy.


    We went on our first date at the beginning of Janruary this year, and have been together ever since.


    In March this year, I knew I had to tell my parents about him. I didnt want to tell them I had already been dating him as knew they wouldnt of approved that it had been done behind their back, I also didnt want to tell them that my last relationship was spent covering up my feelings for H, as I also knew they wouldnt approve as it was very cruel of me. I knew they wouldnt instantly accept it, but I hoped they would at least meet him and then make judgement. What actually happened though was that they told me I had to move out if I wanted to see him, that if I chose to date him that I was picking him over my family and they would disown me.


    I felt I had no choice but to continue keeping it all quiet.


    My mum said I was naive, and that he had alot more life experience than me and would ruin my life, and that if I wanted to be with him he should wait until I have graduated University at 21.


    My boyfriend believed there problem was that he would stop me going to University, Well, he definatley hasnt. Im here at University after achieving very good A Level grades, and I have my head very well screwed on. H would never jeprodise any of my education, he gives me nothing but support.


    Do you think my parents will ever agree to this relationship?

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