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Posts posted by Ifeellove

  1. 1st of all hello everyone! im new here


    Well here is my story.. i thought i would share it with you guys..

    im 20 years old and spent 3 years with the most beautiful girl throughout highschool and out, it was the most wonderful experence EVER..

    We had out ups and downs like everyrelationship but i felt we were deeply in love.. too this day i still love her so so much and i wonder why i do.


    recently (about a month) my ex broke up with me, she said she wanted to try different things.. but wanted to keep our connection and contact thoughout life becuase she would love to pick things up from where we left.

    This is were it goes bad.

    -She dumped me on my birthday

    -A week or so later she is dating somone else.. 3 years younger than me

    -And she give me mixed msgs.. we still say we love eachother and we keep contact here and there..

    - I give her my affection and love still and i feel she dosnt even see it. ( i get hardly any back)


    for a few weeks i was soo soo depressed.. she sent me letters,msgs,emails all the time... ive just started feeling better now, im moving on and starting to understand that we arnt together. The thing that hurts me the most is the mixed messages and signs i get. ill have her saying she misses me one day, and the next shes yelling at me.

    i showed her soo much love.. i gave 110% and i still care about her till this day. We talk here and there and she wants to catch up for a coffee n all that. but im just soo confused..


    i feel i love her so much i would be with her later on in life.. but what she has done to me, i want to move on aswell... and then again i want to always keep our connection we have... im not sure.


    I think there isnt a right or wrong in a breakup but i make contact and i send her sweet msgs still.. even knowing shes with another guy.. i feel she dosnt care for him as she visits me at work and kisses me the way we used too.

    its very very hard on my feelings and i dont want to completely let her go.. everyone i talk too, simply say move on.. forget about her.. but its the hardest thing too do.. i know she is moving on but i feel if we keep a slight connection we could atleast have some sort of friendshipp.. maybe not now.. but later on down the track.. Women are so confusing she says she cant talk to me about it.. it hurts and finds it difficult to express her feelings.. the worst thing is.. we both were soo soo happy in our relationship.. and constantly bring up the past when we talk and have a llaugh aobut it. i just have to express some feelings.. i think it was the happiest time in my life with her.. it was fantastic.


    i feel i analyse everything shes said too me, breaking up saying "she dnt want a relationship anymore and dont know what she wants" but then going out and dating another man.. i also feel by the way she is, she dosnt care about the new relationship shes in, i just hope she takes care of herself and atleast thinks of me somtimes, and appreciates how much i did love her.


    sorry if this dsnt make any sense, i just whipped it up, hope you all understand..

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