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Posts posted by thatkidchris

  1. Rebounds can be great but you have to remember there's another person besides yourself that will be involved in this rebound. Does he or she know that they're being used for a rebound? That's really the question you should be asking yourself. I know it's hard to stop thinking about the one you've lost but sometimes it's better just to feel the feelings and process the pain otherwise you're just numbing yourself with what could possibly be an addiction.


    I know this has happened to me in the past and instead of bouncing around the next time I broke up with someone I took on a new sport: surfing. I'm not saying this would work for you but I got all my information on link removed and just started a new sport and met new guys that way.


    So I start a new sport, which is healthy, and I met new guys that could be potential bfs. I think this was a more practical way of dealing with a break up.


    Your thoughts are encouraged.

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