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Posts posted by tommyboy

  1. Well thnx for all your fabulous responses> Let me tell you my sex life with my wife went for a ball 1 year after my 1st son was born. I guess I was also a more tolerant and calmer person those days . You see with time after we married and upgraded ourselves so she immersed herself in her business and so I got immersed in my business. I even tell her I am going for sexy massage and she just laughs. Of course I can never love anyone I do Like my wife. Blood in blood out. But I am 40 years of age and tired of the same old humdrum of daily life.


    I was with my babe(23yrs old) yesterday and wow was it fantastic, I feel like a schoolboy again. Dont get me wrong, I am no weekling. I wont let anyone get the better of me neither my wife nor my gal. I am from fighting stock so little ups and downs dont bother me. I am not American, somehow the Americans dramatise everything, thats why they have therapy for everything. I dont need big lectures nor do I need to be on Oprah.


    Yesterday I told her baby I am not happy if you wont kiss me lets call it a day. She quickly said ok to my demands. Look let me tell you as well I like this little power game, I really do. Let me tell you I am capable of many things and god has always smiled upon me. Somehow I have always been lucky and this girl is part of my luck. I dont want to fight it, just enjoy her, because all the tough times I have had are now being rewarded to me.


    So ladies if you vehemently criticize me it is because of the way you have been brought up. I can t judge you for that. Gents if you criticize me tell me this, if you are an elderly person and a young sexually virile female is within your reach, wont you plan on getting her.

  2. Ok respect sincerely thanks, it hurts but you are right. It is sometimes so difficult to see the wood from the trees.


    Let me tell you god has always guided me well, he guided me onto this website. I will try resolve some issues with my wife. I am not happy that is what has led me to this place

  3. yeh Im a sucker walk in my shoes and you may do the same things...just returned from dinner with a buddy of mine and he was encouraging me along the lines of "I dont steal, I work hard I am entitled to a bit of crumpet"


    Well there is a lot of latin going around on this thread and I feel quite miserable because no one really sees my point except the guy with the waves picture.


    Friends, comrades, posters I understand and agree with all your points of view. But I do have my needs be they good or bad. You all seem to think along christian religious lines like god will punish me and I am immoral etc. However you do not understand basic human needs. Remember I come from a broken home. We didnt all hug and kiss each other on xmas. I am me for better or for worse, dont categorise me.


    I work hard for my family, work under adverse conditions, I am stressed to breaking point however I dont break. Surely that counts for something.



  4. I feel so tired really your objectivity really brings it all into perspective. Sex cannot be just a sport for men it always becomes inectricably linked with love. They say for women sex and love can be separated.


    I think for us men from the age of the dinosaurs, we fought for mating with our women, we coveted them and held them like possessions. We are as Karl marx would say acquisitive beings and it is this acquisition that fuels change and the movement of history.

  5. Yes this relationship has no future. She tells me she and her 2 Thai friends are going to Thailand on holiday and i think some idiot is going to foot the bill. The questions are (a) can she give me the love i really need when she looks in my eyes it is so hard not to think she cannot?


    (b) She talks of the guys that have all turned bad with her, bad relationships etc, jealous guys, she even told me one guy kidnapped her.. Does this indicate these guys go crazy when they find out what she does? Does this indicate her manipulation is so effective guys believe they are in love with her and then cannot handle it when she calls it quits.


    © If the guys were looking after her surely she wouldnt have called it quits.


    Any ideas dear friends, I really appreciate it. Sorry for my callousness.

  6. yes I understand I do feel happy by myself, but I feel perverted. i want to stop what i am doing but it is extremely hard. When I am stressed out sex is all i think about. Thats why I would like to let the girl go by just being her friend no monkey business.


    I know she is a borderling prof hooker I have that feeling because she seems conflicted and she doesnt act like a full time hooker. Its just a way for her to make extra moiney for her studies etc. So i dont know if I can make a moral impression on her to quit.


    She says if i give her money then she doesnt have to work at the massage place. It makes me think about the world, what hurts me the most is I think what if she was my daughter. How can I leave someone who I could possibly help or save her life?

  7. Why do I feel euphoria with her and then like a schoolboy when she gets in her car and drives away. she tells me I am the only one but I distrust the following. (1) Wont let me know where she stays (2) Wont kiss me


    I think she could like me even tho I do pay her.


    I am an idiot such a sucker, but I like it

  8. I feel good and bad all day long. When I am with my massage girl I feel best.


    I am extremely paranoid, taping conversations with her, keeping love letters and getting her to write me love notes. i do this incase she tries something dirty on me like extortion etc. This is not the 1st time I have done these paranoid things.


    I had a horrible father who * * * *ed me around most of my life and whom today I dont speak too. he was also a {mod edit}... so yes my wife now is my refuge, so i plan to screw this women so much so that I get sick and tired of her.


    Even the other day I went for a body rub and the pain of longing for her was gone.

  9. I was treated by a psychologist for depression as I was having trouble with aggression and fighting with my wife. i always was shouting. This girl seems to have helped my relationship with my wife in a funny way. Let me explain to you my wife is chinese, mostly they accept their husbands having a bit on the side, thats their right. Even when I told her I was going for a sexy massage she said go ahead. When I told her I wanted to try anal she said okay, just wear a condom with another woman. I was even caught in a massage parlor in Hong Kong and it became a laughing joke with me and her friends.


    I love my wife and family, judge me if you will

  10. I do engage in protective sex thats not negotiable. I just have feelings my wife doesnt address. This girl is a student in fact and I dont believe a full time pro.


    I am just bored, work sleep eat is misery for me. This is like an addiction..Of course she doesnt know anything (the truth) about me and has told me if I step off the plate there are many other rich men that would take my place.


    I take care of her and she takes care of me...Let me say for me its not so much about the sex but the intimacy with her...


    I find my wife is always offish in bed and I have to push her for sex all the time, its not spontaneous. My wifew wont kiss me and just rolls over so i can take her from, behind.


    Judge me if you will but also feel my pain

  11. I met this girl at the massage parlor. Its the type that only offers happy endings, no full house if you know what I mean. I got her number and we met up. She told me she needed a man to take care of her as she had many bills. I agreed to pay her weekly for her services, whereby we went out on dates and had sex. It is really a relief for me from work and the stress of my family life with my wife. I just like the excitement.


    She is really cagey about her previous relationships saying she has been hurt so much by men, she even wont let me know where she stays. I know she stays with 2 other girls though. In fact I dont care if she has another guy somewhere as I am not jealous, how can I be ! She does tell me that I am her only lover though, whether it is true or not, who knows.


    This girl really makes love all out, however does not let me kiss her.


    I just feel so sorry for this girl because she has a rats life and when I look deeply in her eyes it really touches me. Even if she does like me for the money, I dont care, because we all pay sooner or later.




    She is 23 and I am 39, it just turns me on to be with her, guys admire me because she is hot.


    What do u think?

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