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Posts posted by Dawnie

  1. sorry to tell you guys this, but us gals love sex too, the thing is that porn is available to both sexes so go use it see how he feels being compared to a nice pretty boy or summit, jus because guys like sex, it doesn't make it right that they can go purve over some little girls. its not only disgusting its downgrading to u. if he truly loves you then there is only one girls naked body he should be admiring and that is yours because the truth is that, if he really loves you then, you will be the prettiest woman to him no matter what.

  2. I think you need to look at it like this, if your partner does it, then why shouldn't we? as men think it is alright, then fine. see the thing is that this obviously does piss us off because it makes us think that we are not all our other half wants and this then makes us worry more. The thing is that this downgrades us to think that we are enough for them, so its simple you just do the same to them, there is lots of porn available for both sexes so go out there and use it, i know this might sound immature but this should make him feel what you are feeling, obviously don't tell him what your upto. good luck ladies and have fun i did

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