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Posts posted by mdrenovations

  1. 2 weeks ago I had my final breakup with a woman that I thought was the love of my life. We had been in a relationship for about 2 years, of which the last 14 months have been a major roller coaster.


    The relationship was fraught with disaster from the beginning. I worked with this person and had always found her attractive, and there was flirting and a friendship, however, she was married, so I stayed at a distance. She came to me one day at work and told me that her marriage was over and how mean this person was and that she was leaving him. I took her at her word, and thought that she was the victim in the situation, and that he was abusing her. We proceeded to go out to a bar and drink all night and then have sex at the end of the night. I felt pretty bad immediately, but she was the victim, right? So I forgave myself and made sure that she knew I was not interested in just hooking up, that I wanted to be with her, because I really did want to be with her. She was beautiful, funny, fun and I guess I felt like I was her knight in armor to save her and that we could have a great prosperous happy relationship together. She ended up formally leaving her husband about 3 months later, and we were free to be together and start our relationship.


    The relationship started off amazingly. I fell instantly in love, and thought that she did as well. We were inseperable, caring, thoughtful and just on top of the world. I thought that I had found my soulmate and that I was on track to have an amazing love. Our love life was great, we spent hours talking and making plans for the future. This lasted for about 3 months.


    Her husband began, or so she said, to pester her at work and try to win her back. She then went out with him and then basically began to use his presense as a mode to attain more attention and care from me. I was there for her, very supportive and tried to point out what we had, and how she needed to move on to be happy.


    She did tell me up front that she suffered from depression, as a result from a bad break up before. There were also previous suicide attempts. Her parents had neglected her when she was young, and her and her 3 siblings all had had very tough lives. Drugs were prevalent, one sister was a former crack addict, one brother was a cocaine addict with anger issues, and the other brother had never been able to hold a job and had major social-mal-adaptive issues, fathering multiple children with multiple women. My girlfriend had used cocaine and had a long list of men that she had been with, which of course was a turn off, but since I loved her so much, I got past it. I got past it until she started to always talk about those one night stnds or worse ex-boyfriends. I try to make a personal rule not to talk about ex's when I am with someone out of respect. Leave the past in the past. She still did it even after I told her it bothered me. But then of course I did not know that everything we had was really a lie anyway, as it turns out.


    There is such a long laundry list of things that she did to me that I cannot go through all of them here, but she is a textbook histrionic. She:


    -Flirted with everyone when we went out

    -suicide notions and threats

    -used alchohol to hide frustration and pain which would end up in dramatic scenes when we would go out

    -constantly needed attention because of drama

    -needed to be the center of attention and was miserable if not (caused a lot of tension within my family)

    -dressed provacatively

    -obsessed with her looks, weight, skin care products, ageing, vain

    -had nothing to substantively add to a converstion, very shallow

    -constantly interrupted people

    -always would hang all over friends, like during a poker game or visiting

    -very defensive, would not take advice, short temper, and lack of reason for behavior


    ....more to come, gotta get back to work


    My short term advice is to stay away from these type of people. I am actually getting my clothes from her house this weekend and dropping all of her stuff off from my house. The only option is a completely clean, no exceptions break

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