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Posts posted by dance

  1. the things is...i think he is cheating on me. because it's not normal for him not to want any after not seeing me for a year.


    we even talked about it. i asked him if he was still attracted to me. then he hugged me and started kissing me and i was convinced he was.


    i'm so confused now. i think (since we're apart for so long) he fools around with the online community and actually meets up with them. i'm not sure but that's my gut feel.


    just wanted to see what people would say about this. and yeah...especially the guys.

  2. my boyfriend and i have been going out for almost 2 years now but on we're on a long distance relationship. he's planning to move here next year and so i've been holding on.


    during his first few visits he always wanted to have sex. he couldn't keep his hands off of me. i loved it. but then lately he hasn't had so much libido. we hadn't seen each other in a year before this last visit and the 2 weeks that he was here he never inititated any of the sex we had. it was always me who wanted it. in fact there were several times that he didn't want to. one time we did it and he didn't even care to cum. he just finished me off and then we stopped.


    i talked to it about him one time and he said that since we hadn't seen each other in a year he had gotten used to not having sex and didn't really have the urge for it. he also said that he was really stressed out with work. i just can't believe he didn't want me after not seeing me for a year! is this normal? doesn't a guy usually want to have sex? isn't it something they think about a lot?


    do you think maybe he's not in love with me anymore? is he not attracted to me (i asked him this and he was like, "of course i'm attracted to you")? is it normal for a guy not to want to have sex under these circumstances?


    if anyone can help me out there with this one i'd appreciate it.



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