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Posts posted by Nys13

  1. You should try a sport you like, exercise, jogging, aerobics, swimming, and keep yourself looking good --- these things keep your self esteem up. Sitting around the house, or working too many hours will both keep you depressed. If you are not in good physical condition now, you can improve slowly and your husband should apprieciate it, but the most important thing is that you DO IT FOR YOU.


    You need to get out of a depression, so to help your mind, help your body first, and if you still cant shake it after a month of eating some real food(not snacks and tv dinners) and exercise, than you can try some professional help. the previous reply was right, Some day you might have a teenage daughter that might be depressed herself, what will you tell her?

    You need to learn how to help yourself before you can help your children.

    -good luck

  2. I am recently married and find my insecurities about women are still present. I never was good at getting the women i wanted before. than i found one, and we got closer, and marrying was the only way to keep her in the USA because of the terrible difficulties that the INS sets up for getting any other kind of Visa.

    So here i am married, and i still desire to prove to myself that i am not a loser, and that i can get women, but i feel trapped. But i really love her and i know she is better than anything out there for me. But it would still be nice to have a few one night stands to get my confidence up enough to be satisfied with my one girl.

    Where am i headed for? eventual divorce? is there a solution to this feeling of lack of experience?

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