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Posts posted by Worm31

  1. Thank you for yoru reply, this site is really making a real difference in my life. You are right, I should leave it for a few weeks... I have just made a doctor's appointment for this morning, hopefully eh can give me something to stop the shaking/

  2. IT REALLY isn't what I want, but he does. Yesterday, I felt quite confident. Ready to get teh abll rolling. Today I feel ill, shakey and unable to think, eat or anything. I spent the night shivering and haven't been able to swallow anything apart from water in two days.

  3. OK, tonight was a really bad night. We went out with some work peopl (did I mention weworked together) and it was awful. He decided fairly early on to take me home, as he decided I had, ha enough to drink. I was a bit tipsy, but nothing shocking. In the car he said "this is me not you", then when he dropped me off, he said "lets stop doing this, there is clearly nothing there, I think it is over". I am broken up now, I can't sleep... what do I do now? He said: "Don't call me and don't wait up for me, I will be back late." I was like "so you Are coming home then?" and he was liek "yes". I guess I wish he would leave if he is going to make declarations like that.

  4. Thank you for sharing that with me, everything everyone has said has really given me a new perspective on this situation, and "talking" about it with everyone has lessoned the weight on my shoulders. So, thank you everyone. I think this is my new favorite web site!

  5. I am definitely more concerned about the marriage, but I think he is more concerned about the house. I want it to work, but I fear that he is only staying around as he doesn't want to leave "his" beloved house. I guess I need to work out why he is so unhappy with me. I just don't know how to get him to open up.

  6. I have given him ultimatoms a few times, but it always sounds like I am threatening him, as I say "you will need to move out". Then he says "you can't make me move out, this is MY house too". Who would need to leave? I feel like it should be him, as he is the one "leaving" me, but he WON'T leave and I feel like he is just staying with me now for the house. I wonder who is entitled to stay legally....

    Thanks for replying!

  7. My husband and I have been married for over 8 years and haven't really been getting along for the past 8 months or so. I didn't realize how bad it was until he told me that he didn't know if he still loved me. We haven't had sex in about 3 months. I don't know what to do. He isn't sure if he wants to try fix things and refuses to get counseling. I had a few counseling sessions, but didn't find them beneficial, as I couldn't get him to join me. I feel like some of this is related to his family problems he has been having and that is why I still feel hope. His father died suddenly at 62 last September and his mother has recently been diagnosed with Cancer and not sure how she will do. We live in the US and his family live in the UK so he is filled with guilt at not being there with them. He has been treating me with no respect lately, going out almost every night till quite late and generally avoiding me at all costs. I don't know what to do. I think he wants to break up, but we recently purchased our lovely house and he doesn't want to leave it. Sorry for being all over the place, but I am struggling to get to every point in one message. On a side note we work together, so I am confronted with this situation constantly. ANY WORDS OF WISDOM PLEASE?

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