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Posts posted by lalen23

  1. I guess my opinion is going to be different from everyone else here cause I believe this guy still likes you. I believe that his little gestures and things he says are his way of flirting with you. If he didnt want you to break up with him to begin with, he probably was hurt when you did. If you are both shy as you say that you are, then its not a surprise that neither one of you has shared with each other that your feelings for each other may still be there. We are all scared of rejection but if you dont tell him how you feel then you will never know. I was scared to death to tell this guy how I felt about him cause we were such good friends. Now we are married!! My advice is to just tell him how you feel. I'll bet ya he feels the same exact way.

  2. i havent seen my ex in over 5 yrs and ran into him at a club over the weekend. he treated like crap while we were together and we finally broke after 4 yrs of dating. he was the love of my life at the time. anyway, he came up to me and the first thing he said, i really that much of an " i told him yes you really were. anyway we talked awhile and the night went on. he was very friendly towards me. we were both drinking a bit. then my friends and I and his friends and him left the club and we all went back to my friends house. we ended up outside talking on the curb and by this point we were both very drunk so we shouldnt have been talking to begin with. well he was asking me questions and i started crying probably more cause I was drunk and emotional but also because he had hurt me and I cared about him very much back when we were together and I don't think i ever dealt with the hurt in the right way. i blocked him out and didnt really think about him a whole lot. he apologized over and over and told me that he had loved me very much back then. well this went on for at least almost 2 hours and then one of his friends came up to say hi and my ex just flipped the switch and turned into his mean old self. he started calling me names and all that I said after that was "apparently you are still the same old ." he continued to call me names and i didn't really respond. i left the next day feeling absolutely miserable and I wasnt sure exactly why. why did i let this loser get to me? this has now bothered me for almost 3 days and this is exactly what i used to feel when we were in a relationship. is this normal? i dont plan on ever seeing him again and I have been happily married for the past 3 yrs and now have another child. can someone explain why im feeling this way?

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