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Posts posted by heartbroken1212

  1. im in a horrible situation...i know they say "once a cheater always a cheater", but does it vary in situations? here is mine

    I was in a serious relationship with my boyfriend, i love him more than i've ever loved anyone else...from how he made it seem, he felt the same way.

    anyway, he admitted to me that he had sex with a girl i know about a minth ago, not once but twice (2 days in a row). I figured it out exactly when it was, and i remember the next day he came to visit me out of no where (I go to school about an hour away, but i see him on the weekends). I remember that night he was expressing his feelings like he's never has before. He was saying things like that he wanted to be with me forever, and that he never wants to lose me, and that he never felt this way about anyone, etc. Was he doing this to make himself feel better for what he did, or did he realize that he could lose me? im so confused. I really love him with all of my heart, and i am considering giving him a 2nd chance. He kept telling me that it was the biggest mistake of his life, and that he would never do it again. Im so hurt though, what do i do?

    Just forgetting about him and leaving him is easier said than done. please let me know what you think.

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