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Posts posted by rjt1985

  1. First of all, thanks so much for the time to type all that, I really appreciate it and agree with all your points, and am extremely open to any ideas, because every day that I spend with this girl is currently bringing me more and more pain, being around her is unbearable. I just wish I was able to talk to her openly about my feelings. I would be delighted to her what you did.

  2. Hi


    A year ago, our college classes all got mixed up and thats when i met this girl in my class called alison. we got on really well and were good friends, but we never socialised outside of college. for nearly six months now, ive really fallen for her and i no its different to crushes ive had in the past because of thinking about going to bed with this girl my thoughts go beyond that and i can really see myself spending the rest of my life with her. the other day in a lesson she was working and minding her own business, and me, thinking she wudnt notice, was looking at her. i was looking at her eyes when she started looking around the room and suddenly looked at me and for a moment it really felt like time stood still, i was looking into the eyes of the girl i loved dearly, everything seemed so quiet and peaceful, like nothing else mattered, i had not a care in the world. then she looked away and i was pulled back into reality. a few months back i had been dying to ask her out but couldn't pluck up the courage so i wrote a letter explaining the way i felt, to which she never gave me a response so i took it as a no. then recently, i became aware i have only 20 odd days left of college and she will not believe that i am in love with her. at the end of the course i no i will feel regretful and far more hurt if i let her go without saying a word to her about the way i feel face to face. my idea at th emoment is to propose to her as i really care about her. i go to bed thinking about her, thinking about getting into college the next day to see her, and when ever i go home at night, i cant wait to go to bed, for the next day to come so i can see her again. proposing to her is the only thing i can think of to really convince her i love her. i no she wont go out with me and doesnt feel the same but i will feel far more hurt if i leave it and dont say anything than i will if she rejects me and i can live happy with my memories of her, knowing she knows i love her and i tried everyhting i could. please someone give me their views.

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