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Posts posted by sonny1471

  1. that your boyfriend thinks that you might be sharing these photos with other people online. In that case, I think he has every right to be worried. I'm going through a similar situation myself, so I know how he feels. Just reassure him you aren't sharing them with anyone else (you aren't sharing them, are you?) and let him know that everything is cool. Hey, maybe involve him by letting him take the pictures or setting a timer and have both of you in the photos. Good luck!

  2. I dont' want to go into too much detail but last night I just discovered that my boyfriend has a whole folder of naked pics of himself. We've been dating for four months and I've never really had cause to worry about anything in the past but recently things just haven't been "right" if you know what I mean. He told me he took a picture of his butt (and showed it to me) and he told me he was going to keep it to "cheer him up" when he was down about how he looks. He looks fine, if you ask me. I snooped on his computer (I know it was wrong) and found this folder. There were tons of pics of him in different poses and showing EVERYTHING. I don't know if he's sharing these or not but my gut feeling tells me he is. I guess we're kinda in the same boat.


    As for what you should do? I guess since you already have had a conversation about this in the past, you should probably bring it up again and explain how you saw what you did. Don't accept the excuses if you know they aren't true. Get the truth.


    So here's my question to you and everyone else out there, what should I do? Do I confront my boyfriend (whom I love with all my heart) about what I found? I'm sure he'd be angry that I was snooping on his computer but I think I was justified after what I found. Ugh, I just don't know what to do about it. Any ideas?

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