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Posts posted by stevo89

  1. I'm only 5'4" or 5'5". I'm one of the shortest guys on my wrestling team, and the 2nd shortest guy in my choir. However, even though I am short, I have been told by many girls that I am attractive. I'm also quite muscular, considering that I'm a wrestler. I prefer a girl who is roughly my height or shorter. I would date a girl who is 2 inches taller than me, but that is the max. I'd feel somewhat inferior to a girl who is taller than me...

  2. She's giving you all the signs. Just ask already! What's the worst that can happen? Even if she says "no" you'll get over it, and besides it'll give you great experience for asking girls out in the future. However, try to talk to her alone, saying things in front of her friends can be very intimidating as opposed to just one on one discussion. Well anyways, good lucK!

    Okay good idea, I need to talk to her alone. But still, I don't really know HOW to ask out a girl! Also, a few people have told me "Just do it, ask her out already!" but are they referring to: telling her my feelings and asking her to be my girlfriend, OR, asking her if she'd like to go out on a date? Or both? Because people say "oh don't worry about being rejected" and that doesn't seem to really apply much to asking for a date, so I assume it would be asking a girl to be my girlfriend.

  3. lol theres never a way to get rid of ur nervousness.... but sometimes girls think thats cute. since she asked u if u have a girlfriend that could be a good thing. girls usually dont ask this unless theyre interested.


    the trick is... find a common interest. then talk about it. i remember being ur age once and i had a HUGE MAJOR crush on this kid.....Matt...from a little eaves dropping and casual conversations with people he knew i found out he was into cars....hell.. i jumped at the opportunity and decided to learn something about cars quick.


    the more u know about ur target..the more room u have for a longer converstation.


    good luck!

    I already found a common interest, I even stated it--we're both in choir. Although I want to find another common interest now. Yeah I get what you mean about the more you know about them though.. I think I should just ask her out, before its too late.

  4. Okay so I'm a 15 year old sophomore guy and I have a huge crush on a 14 year old freshman girl. We have no classes together. I'm on men's show choir, and she is on women's show choir. We walk past and say hi to each other on the way to almost every class. We can't have actual conversations very often because of the shortness of the passing period, but usually there is an opportunity before school or during lunch that I can actually talk to her. And a lot of the time shes with her friends (maybe thats part of the problem?).


    However, whenever I talk to her I always get really nervous. So then I end up studdering a bit, and then I can get really clumsy and it makes me seem like a total idiot. Its not like my normal self.


    I'm really inexperienced with girls, my only girlfriend was for 4 days in the 8th grade (April 2003) and I barely consider it to mean anything except as something to say that I have at least had a girlfriend before. I have never really asked a girl out before in my entire life--but I plan to change this soon enough.

    Oh, and one day when I was talking to her about a week ago she asked me, "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" probably seeing how nervous and clumsy I was when talking to her..


    Does anybody have any suggestions to help me get rid of my nervousness and such so I can act more like my normal self??

  5. Up until the last line or two, I would have said maybe since there were no real tell-all sgns there. That last question does raise your chances. If she is flirty with a lot of people, this may not mean as much. But if she doesn't seem to talk to many guys, then I'd say it means more.


    Since she said "have you ever had a gf?", you may want to take your chances, but do so when your relaxed and confident. Oh yeah, don't ask her out strightforward. Be like "Do you want to go/see/do/etc. (the event)(watever day the event is) with me? (ex. Would you like to go see Amityville Horrow Friday night with me?) or something like that.


    Good luck!

    I don't see her talking to a lot of guys. Most of the time when I see her, she's with her 3 best friends (girls). I am pretty confident about it now and I really think that she does like me back. But if you read my previous post, then you'll see my exact predicament.

  6. Gah seriously I don't know where to go with this. Cuz I've only had one girlfriend in my life which was for a few days in the 8th grade (April 2003) which means I've technically been single for 2 years. However I hardly even consider that girlfriend in the 8th grade to be anything because of how short lived it was. I can use it to say that I have at least had a girlfriend before, but not much else. And since I wasn't able to tell Bree this yesterday, I'll tell her on Monday. I believe that it is best to be straightforward, honest, and most importantly myself. If she rejects me, I won't be losing anything. If she doesn't like me for who I really am, then she's not worth it. However if she does like me for who I really am, then I will be glad for saying something.

  7. Yes, she likes you IMO - ask her out before someone else does.

    Yeah I'm going to ask her for her number on Monday. Or do you think it would be okay to tell her how I feel, get her number and ask her out all at the same time?

  8. Hey everybody, sorry its so long, (skip to the last paragraph if you don't want to read everything) Okay so there's this freshman girl I like named Bree. She's on the girls' choir, and I'm on the guys' choir so we saw each other at some of the shows and stuff before (but didn't talk). About a month ago my friend Kevin introduced us to each other one day at lunch and we talked for a few minutes, so that was the first time we talked. After that, I'd see her on the way to my classes sometimes and I'd say hello to her on occasion, but never really had any conversations. I almost always see her after 2nd period and after 3rd period (she is not in any classes with me). Then I had spring break, didn't see her at all for a week and over that time I really started thinking about her.


    I returned to school from break on Monday April 4th. That day when I was walking to my locker after 2nd period, I saw her (and she was walking with her friend Ericka) so I said Hello and smiled to her. She smiled back and right as I was passing her, her friend tried to sort of shove her towards me and they giggled. After 3rd period when I was walking past her (and it seemed like she was trying to walk close to me) she took a real deep breath (a nervous sigh?). At lunch I went to my locker, got my stuff and when I turned around--there she was with her friends so I said Hello and she paused for a moment then said Hello back to me.


    (That same week) On Tuesday she seemed to ignore me a bit when I saw her. On Wednesday, when I passed her after 3rd period I made sure to say "Hi Bree!" and she smiled brightly. Then at lunch, I went to my locker and got my stuff, then I washed my hands in the restroom, and I start walking down this little hallway (the same one I have to walk down in order to get to where my locker is)--I see in the corner of my eye when I'm walking--There's Bree sitting there with 3 of her friends! I stopped and turned to them, they're all looking at me quietly. So I decided to do something that I hadn't done before, and said "Hey Bree, how's it going?". She smiled brightly and kept smiling the entire time we talked. We just talked about choir mainly, though.


    Fast forward to this week. Yesterday at lunch when I went to my locker, there she was again. I hadn't had a convo with her since the week before. So I went up to her and asked her how she was doing (good) and she asked how I was doing (good), then she asked how choir is going.. So for most of the time we just talked about choir and our classes, she seemed to be asking all of the questions. Then all of a sudden almost out of the blue she asks me, "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Does anybody think that from the signs she's given so far (especially the girlfriend question) that she likes me too?

  9. Sorry if this is kinda long...

    Okay so it all started back in September.. Every year at my school we have a dance (informal, w/ grinding and everything) on the first friday of the new school year. When I was at this dance, there was this cute freshman girl who caught my eye. I glanced at her a little bit, and she and her friend seemed to notice that I was looking at her. So her friend comes up to me and asks me "Do you like her?" so I responded with "Uhm, Sure". Shortler after, I decide to go up and ask her to dance, but am seemingly rejected...but thats not the whole story.


    Around I think late October one day after school shortly after walking out of the locker room, I walk past that girl and her friend, but as I'm walking by I hear her friend say "Hey look, its your boyfriend".


    Then today after school when I went to my locker, that girl and two of her friends were standing around talking roughly 30 feet away. I start getting stuff from my locker and putting it into my bookbag (my arm is sprained right now in a sling so I can't wear a backpack), I hear one of her friends say loud enough that I can hear it "Isn't that that one guy who used to like you?". A junior guy I know from wrestling named Greg was over there talking to them or something and must have told them my name, because right when I turned towards them to put something away, that girl says "Hi T-Rex!" and smiles brightly at me. (t-rex is one of my nicknames from the wrestling team). I made sure to say "Hi" and smile back to her, then finished putting away my stuff, then she and her friends went on their way.


    She KNOWS that I like her. I'm really wondering now if this girl likes me or not.. What do you think? (read my signature if you want more info about me)

  10. Yeah I want my first kiss to be special.


    Okay so yeah I do want to get to know her better and become friends with her. So you think I should just ask her if she wants to hang out sometime then (as a way to get to know her better)? I'll be sure to let her know that I like her [again!]

  11. First off I'm 15, a sophomore, never kissed and have never asked a girl out on a date before. I've had one girlfriend my entire life, which was for roughly 3 days in the 8th grade (April 2003)...


    Okay so now its the start of a new semester at my school this week. Some of my schedule got changed around so I have a new world history teacher (& my mom is a history teacher but not at my school) and class. On the second day of the semester, this girl named Lauren was transferred into my class. During second semester last year, me and her were in the same drama class so I know her a little bit from that class. Last year I asked her to be my valentine and her response was neutral because we didn't know each other very well and I basically got over it quickly.. Now we're in a class together again, but I haven't really talked to her since the end of school last year. I think I'm starting to develop a bit of a crush on her again. I'm now more mature and know that I have to get to know somebody a good bit before asking them out. So I want to talk to her and get to know her better. Since I haven't talked to her in a while, I'm not quite sure on what to say to her..? Also, considering the previous situation I was in with her, should I even try to get her again? A few months back this one guy I know told me that she liked me last year--but I don't know if this is really true or not... What do you think I should do?

  12. "My name is Bob. I usually sit behind you in class but I figured I would introduce myself anyway... your name is Julie right? So what do you think of Mr. Dingleberry he's pretty radical the way he teaches math right? I mean the way he jumps on the desk and stuff thats wild... anyway I gotta run to class nice talking to you... see you later"


    and you can say something like, Hey that red sweater looks great on you, did your grandma knitt that for you?

    ^lmao @ Mr. Dingleberry.[/b]

  13. Dude, don't worry about anything. Just go up to her at any time and ask her if she'd like to go to Homecoming with you. If you need to know exactly what to say, just ask her, "Hey [name], I was wondering if you'd like to go to Homecoming with me?"

    Be confident man, don't be scared. If you're too scared to even ask her to Homecoming, then wouldn't you be even more scared when you are at the Homecoming dance with her??

  14. Well, you can use the just plain "Hey [name]! Well anyways I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like go out sometime?" Then if she responds with something like "Sure, like what?" then you can answer with your date idea, whether it be dinner somewhere, the movies (NOT good for a first date cuz you don't get to talk to get to know each other better, and its not thoughtful!), a concert, mini golf, go-karts, cosmic bowling, etc. stuff like that, but like I said I really don't recommend the movies for a first date.

  15. Okay so I've never really been on a date with a girl before, and whenever I finally do when I find a nice, cute girl (hopefully soon after school starts, which is this Thursday September 9) then ask her out and take her out on a date, I don't want it to suck! I wouldn't wanna go to the movies cuz you don't get to talk much to get to know each other better, its not thoughtful, its not sweet, and its not fun for me cuz I don't like movies at the theatre too much and I wouldn't be making out (seeing as I've never kissed a girl).


    I live in a city in southern California called Seal Beach (Orange County) and my house is about 3 miles from the beach. Anyways my idea of a good first date is this: I'd take a girl to some nice casual restaurant around my area near the beach like Joe's Crab Shack, Mimi's Cafe, or Ruby's Diner (its at the end of the Seal Beach pier, so we can look out the windows and watch the waves and stuff its nice) then after dinner we'd go over to either Cold Stone or Marble Slab Creamerie for ice cream, then finally we'd finish up with a nice long walk on the beach and watch the sunset..


    Does that sound like it would be a good first date idea for me and a girl? I'd appreciate any suggestions you could add too. I'm 15, going to be a Sophomore in a few days, and like I said earlier in the post I've never kissed a girl or been out on a date before.

  16. Spend at least $100 for both of us?! I'm 14! I don't have a job, and money like that doesn't come too easy that often, unless of course I pulled it out of my savings account of somethign like $350. I doubt that a girl my age would really even care about a dinner THAT expensive, sheesh. I can't even think of ANY restaurants down here that would cost $50 per person. $25 per person is fine with me, but $50 per person--outrageous, and impossible to find a restaurant that expensive near the beach. There is a Ruby's Diner at the end of the pier, with a wonderful view of the ocean through the windows. There's also quite a few fish places and such around too. I'd take her to a nice restaurant like Macaroni Grill, which is probably the most expensive regular restaurant around here anyways..

  17. Hey everybody, I was just wondering whats a good place to take a girl out to on a first date? I haven't asked really any girls out in a while, mainly because I don't know where or what kind of a place to ask her out to! I've thought of "movies" but I heard on these boards that movies aren't a good place to talk to someone to get to know them better--and since you people are probably going to tell me "anywhere but the movies!", then what kind of a place would you suggest? Keep in mind that I'm only 14 (15 in 3 weeks). I live here in sunny southern california, Orange County, about 3 miles from the beach. Feel free to PM or AIM me if you want.

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