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Posts posted by JeanJuan00

  1. Because! Is like... "Whatever dude! I don't feel like do X today!" And the blackmail and whining starts. When I'm in all my right not to do something I don't feel like to in certain moment, and I don't have to take any whiny crap about it...




    Ur totally right... I guess some people can take way more crap than others... or don't ever consider it crap at all. We all have different degrees of tolerance.


    No see that is wrong you need to consider your man's feelings and offer at least an alternative. If he will not do the same for you then you aren't going to work. If you are both selfish you aren't going to work either. You want a fairy tale sure I can tell you that things are fine no matter how you treat each other if the magic is there to bind you but a realist knows it takes work.


    It takes sacrifice. Got a headache and don't wanna give oral well you might wanna close your eyes in a dark room and open your mouth in the shape of a donut and get to work. This is what is wrong with people today. They are so selfish it is about their mood and if he is blackmailing you he is probably ready to do you in because I know from experience. Ive done it before. I am doing it. I am with a completely selfish girl and if she doesnt learn to put a percentage in of what I am she is gone and I know tons of women will have a marriage minded, attentive man like myself any day.

  2. I am a guy who will tell you all this much. Don't fret! You don't HAVE to do anything. Hey listen guys aren't always trying to be control freaks! Sometimes we just want to be a stepping stone to seeing yourself as a beautiful person.


    I am considered sick by my guy friends, you see.. I may disgust you. I am the guy who see's beauty where other men see something "They wouldn't do with some other guys wee!" (censored to be respectful).


    What I think I want to get through to everyone is that if your man cannot accept you because you have a scar on your right inner thigh then it is a huge loss for them. You are beautiful, sorry if this particular guy is too shallow to appreciate you but I probably would know 3-4 guys who would chase you to the ends of the earth.


    For one thing, here is a common misconception... it is basically that guys only want a perfect sexual doll/object. I promise you that there are a LOT of women who could turn on 85% of the healthy sexually active men of the world with their superbly shaped bodies and gorgeous faces that will never get a decent husband because they are so ugly inside it is insane.


    Funny, another misconception is that ugly inside means being in a poor mood all of the time. NO! NOT TRUE! Ugly on the inside is not putting anything into your relationships.. not trying to understand male psychology when you want to be intimately bonded to one and when things go wrong you simply say "I hate men".


    Human kind is stubborn in its way's! If you want to attract a man for a night, offer him sex. If you want to keep a man... learn what he loves and even if it gives you the jitters to do it make sure you do it. If he doesnt do the same back find one who will because I know those guys are all over looking for a woman who won't just take take take.


    Yes that also means sexually, a LOT if not most all men are extremely sexually driven in the sense of touching and feeling. Women have villianized men for their raw animalistic sex drives, these women either end up with bad relationships or hurt some good guy by being selfish and that is terrible and much more shameful than even a pornstar taking it where the sun doesn't shine and I do not mean vaginally from 3 guys at once because it's so massively stretched.


    Find a nice guy, be attentive to his feelings. If he is a true nice guy he will be the same for all of yours and if you throw shame to the curb and talk to each other a LOT you might find yourselves doing well together. Having one of the happiest marriages ever recorded. Dishonesty causes distrust and what is distrust?? A cause of insecurity. Be Honest, Open, Shameless, and you will be free! Much love to you all and I know my advice is possibly unwanted but if I can make a dent in this war of sexes then I will take a flame or two with it.


    God Bless

  3. I hope I am allowed to post on this being a guy and all. I just wanted to say that I only scanned one page.


    I have questions really!! I am really trying so hard to be mr. perfect even when there isn't enough chemistry between my girlfriend and I. I love to give oral or ANYTHING else I can think of to pleasure her well.. I haven't tried a few things but I am definitely sexually liberal.


    Well, for some reason she seems to have a small clit, I can't get her off and im finally to the point where I can just lick her and she doesn't put up a fight. Yes you heard me right, a fight to let ME at least try to offer her another way to be pleasured. The psychology makes no sense.


    However I know she is shy, I have made it clear there is nothing and I mean nothing she could do to make me turn away in the gross department. I say that in the sense of accidents. Not saying deliberate would be cool.


    Anyway. Long story short, I can't get her off because I think she's too insecure while im doing it, and she has a very small clit which is hard to stimulate. Talk about a sensitive one, Geez.. That and I will admit this is my least understood skill also as she was actually the first I tried it on. About 4 years ago tho.


    Ive gotten two women off with it, we broke up and sort of remained good friends for years *cough* yeah I know I know, it was wrong to be a friend with benefits but I had a lot more difficult things in life going on that I did not feel ready to think of settling down with a girl who I was at the time unsure of. (and for things like that, as sexual as I am no offense.. Limiting a person like my sexuallity is insane.)


    I guess I cannot make this short, I guess all I am asking is if anyone has tips to try to get her to feel more comfortable, and why are all of the online tips on giving oral so wrong, ive never managed to make circles with my tongue around any girls clit and get her off!


    Oh and a tiny bit of advice. For you all. For those of you who are afraid of your man rejecting you for what he thinks is gross. You don't need a guy like that who will run off if things get bad, a "REAL MAN" (lol) is a guy who will stick with you through sickness and health and just be proud of yourselves because if that guy doesn't appreciate you because you have a smell, or roast beef looking lips down there, or the "Junk" isn't superficially perfect.


    Don't be insecure, a man who loves you will find you beautiful no matter what. Guys like that will run off on you when your down. Man I am so full of redundant statements. Sorry im gonna post this anyway im in a hurry and just writing what comes to mind. Thanks for everything if anyone gets to replying to this

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