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Posts posted by Wendy74

  1. I have been with my boyfriend for a few years. He is a wonderful man, and I'm upset because I have some jealousy issues. First of all, once in a while, if he'll run accross a link to look at a beautiful woman online (usually in fetish gear or something), he will look at it. He doesn't buy the mags or look at online porn or seek this out more than that, however. This makes me insanely jealous. I feel badly because even though I know he thinks I'm beautiful, I feel bad if he looks at another woman. Is this just normal guy behavior? Am I being paranoid?


    Also, he spent a few months out of the country last year for school. While there, he met a female friend, with whom he had dinner a couple of times. I absolutely trust that he was not interested in her. She was not interested in him, either, as she had a fiance. Again, I was extremely jealous, and he even stopped hanging out with her because I was so upset. I feel like I was being paranoid and took a friend away from him. Was I right to oppose this situation? Was he wrong to hang out with this woman?

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