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Posts posted by dimples1

  1. I am the other woman .

    Knew this cop in our town he knows everyone.

    Been a cop for 26years.

    His kid goes to my son's karate class.

    I had an affair with him for over 1 year until deep down I had to let his wife know. I met with her privately not sure if she believed me but I e-mailed her to let her know what was going on and what he had done.

    i couldn't proceed anymore.

    I took him in for the last time this week and as of yesterday he has gotten back with her.

    He said he would call but that never happened.He told me to leave a message on his vm at work if I wanted to reach him.Not to text him or call him since his wife would be screening his calls.

    He said he missed his boys that's why he was going back.

    I just saw the doctor today to get checked to make sure I didn't receive anything just in case he was seeing someone else in between.

    I cried but i had to do this.

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