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Cinnamon Girl

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Posts posted by Cinnamon Girl

  1. I left my husband of 7.5 years for a homewrecker. I mean, my husband and I already wre having problems and lets just say that I was desperate and vulnerable. This guy came along, said all the things I wanted to hear, pushed all the right buttons. God, he fed me so much bullsh*t and even though I know it was all bullsh*t I still can't get over him. It's been almost five months. I don't understand, why did he have to say all of that stuff? Why? Why do men do that? I don't say anything unless I mean it. Okay, yeah, you can say "well you made vows.." and I did, but sh*t happens, my ex-husband and I were both miserable and 7.5 years was a darn good effort on both our parts. Sometimes you just grow apart.

    Anyhow, the homewrecker was calling me everyday, several times a day, telling me how much he loved me, helped me find my apartment, fed me lies, lies, lies, and then he just stopped calling and wouldn't even speak to me. Two months later, he started calling me late at night for the booty call, and stupid me, I would fall for it. I finally got call block so he can't call me, but I miss him so much. I just wish it would go away, I really do.

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