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Posts posted by Johnny-B

  1. Me and my ex-girlfriend split up about 7 months ago. We basically broke up because I had some past issue's that I was trying to hide and get ride of by not telling anyone. Well they finally caught up with me and I felt awfull. I was depressed all the time. Slowly they finally got to the point were they were affecting my relationship with my ex. I got to the point were I wasnt even telling her I loved her anymore (which I still did). She finally decided to end things. Her reason was that she didn't love me as much anymore. I was absoultly crushed. We broke up on a tuesday night after she told me this. I finally broke down and told her how I really felt about her. Well she called me the next morning around 5am and told me she was wrong that she still loved me and was wrong about her decison. Well for the next month things were great. We communitcated alot more and we had plans of getting back together. until she started seeing someone else who eventually became her current b/f.

    Once again I was crushed. I did everything your not supposed to do. I begged, pleaded, cried, everything and then some. To no surprise it didn't work.

    I have a few questions though regarding on what to do from here? We dated for 5 years. We always got along great. We never fought and had the greatest time with each other. She started seeing this guy 1 months after we broke up. Could he be a rebound? Everything seems great between them and it kills me.

    We still talk to each other alot. But I decided to go NC last week. I didn't tell her I was going to. We talked for about 20 minutes but it hurts me to know shes with someone else. I asked her if they were going to turn into something serious and she said "I don't know, probably not". Everynow and then I ask her if we are ever going to get back together and she replies "I dunno"?

    Is NC my best option or should I continue to talk to her? I'm afraid she will forget about me. And it might close the door on any chance we have on gettin back together. I love her with all my heart but I just don't know what to do anymore.

    I know this post is a little vague. But feel free to ask any question about our relationship and I will gladly answer them to give you more info.

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