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Posts posted by ironic777

  1. I am in a distance thing with someone, and it has lasted for 14 months, i just get the occasional worried feelings that maybe she's not being as faithful as i think she is.......and that worries me a lot. I was wondering if there are any things i can do to work on the trust issue, and how we can increase this with each other. im just not sure if i completely know who she is yet, but i feel that with every day we are together, i fill in another piece of the puzzle. im in love, just paranoid i guess

  2. Hey,

    I hope that the distance thing is working out. i've been going out with someone for 14 months now, we live 4 hours away from each other, and still manage to make things work somehow, we just see each other every chance we can, and the telephone is a wonderful thing---use it! so is messenger, and e-mail. with all of these things, we can tell each other we love each other every day, and plan what we are going to do when we see each other. hopefully one day we can be together, but until then we just rely on trust and honesty. it's really not that bad. whenever i want to hold her, or she wants to hold me, and we're not together, we simply hug the stuffed animals that we gave each other. they remind us of each other, and this somewhat helps just make sure to let her know you love her every day, and things should be okay, but there are times when your heart hurts....you learn to deal with that, as well as the occasional paranoia of unfaithfullness. when you deal with it, i believe it develops resilience, and character in the end. good luck!

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