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Posts posted by kia4l

  1. Ok, so I just realized this a few weeks ago when yet another one of my relationships failed due something awful that I did. I cheated on my boyfriend of six months even though I loved him and wanted to be with him. And the guy before him, I dumped him over the summer and secretly dated his best friend for months before being caught... and the thing is that I really liked this guy too, and the guy before them, I ignored and was mean to until he finally stopped being interested in me. The pattern of destruction goes on and on. I've asked my friends and family for advice, and now I just don't know what else to do. I keep ruining perfectly healthy relationships for absolutely no reason. I don't know why I keep doing this. The last guy I was with was someone that I fell in love with within a few weeks of dating him. But that didn't stop me from cheating on him and lying about it for a substancial part of our relationship. Now that our relationship is over, I'm actually afraid of getting involved with someone else because I keep thinking that I'll just hurt them like I do everyone else. I don't know how to stop this awful pattern, but I don't want to keep having relationships end because I was a jerk. I don't really even know what kind of advice I'm trying to get, but I have no clue how to stop myself from purposely sabatoging my relationships. This pattern is making me not want to get close to any guy ever again. How can I stop???

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