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Posts posted by musicguy55

  1. hey i am going to the prom with this girl but just as friends, i have already told her and she knows exactly how i feel about her but she has a boyfriend and she said if she wasnt dating him she would date me but the thing is is this person that she is dating lives in another state and she doesnt see him that much so i dont know how long this could last and also this is my last year of high school and since i really like this girl i feel like there is nothin i can do except sit back an wait but i feel that my time is comin up. i jus wanna here your input, like what would you do if you were in my situation


    thanks all

  2. hey everyone i need your advice, ok here it goes i met this girl in one of my classes about a month or 2 ago so i didnt really notice her til a little bit later but i asked her if she wanted a ride home from school with me she said yes, so i gave her a ride home a couple of times then before i know it all i am doin is thinkin about her everywhere i go, so then the next day i give her a ride home and told her how i feel and that i have alot of feelings for her and she responded that its cool but that she has a boyfriend but the thing is is that he lives in a different state, but before i knew this we went to the movies together just as friends but didnt find that she has a boyfriend til later but now we are goin to the prom together we agreed just as friends but i can see that she likes me, we flirt back and forth alot but this prom is coming up and even tho we are goin just as friends i jus need to know what to do should i say anything or wait to see if she does anything.


    thanks i know that not all of it makes sense but i gotta lot of stuff on my mind

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