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Posts posted by fozzie

  1. To some my problem may seem silly, including my partner. I know it all boils down to my low self esteem but how do I help my self? My problem is my partners rude magazines. We've had several arguments over the issue. I take it personally that he needs these things, it makes me feel like I'm not enough, or I'm not what he fancies. He says it has nothing to do with me and has said several times he wont get them anymore. But they always appear again and everytime i find them it hurts as much. I don't think it's a solution that he doesn't get them anymore either because I don't want to control his life. I need to get over this idea that it's some how my fault that he needs them. I've spoken to a couple of people about this and they all say it doesn't bother them what their partners read. I've done a bit of self searching and I know part of the reason I don't think much about my self is because my partner isn't affectionate. He has never told me I'm beautiful or sexy or anything. Hardly ever tells me he loves me. I know there is no cheating going on and we don't really have problems with anything else in our relationship. Even I think I'm being a bit petty when other people have much more terrible troubles. What can I do to help my self?

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