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Posts posted by hllywood44

  1. It's possible she was sincere in wanting to just keep in touch with my friend, but there's a lot of people out here in LA to be friends with. I think that's crap that she's trying to befriend MY friend. I would never call any of her friends because I think that move is just a way to stay in touch with her. She literally had only one conversation with my friend. And on top of that my ex lives an hour out of LA. The whole thing is sketchy to me. I think it's a desperate move either way. If she's just calling to be friends with my friend, she's desperate for friends. If she's calling my friend to keep tabs on me or slither back, then she's desperate for my attention. I was just moving on from her when she made this call and that's why I'm pissed about this.

  2. It's been almost two months that I've iced my ex with NC. She dumped me out of the blue telling me she couldn't open up to me and that she wanted to be alone, spend time with friends, and travel. She had a big cruise to Mexico planned with her friends while we were dating that she was reeeeally looking forward to. Last Sunday is when she would have gotten back from that cruise. The next day she called my best friend's wife, who is also a great friend of mine and who she met twice and doesn't even know. She left her a message saying that she got her number from their neighbor that she met at their party while we were dating and wanted to say hi and keep in touch. My friend's wife called me saying how weird the whole thing is. To me this seems like she thought she was going to have a better life without me hanging out with her friends, hooking up with other guys, and traveling, but when the fun was over she realized it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Then as a desperate attempt to figure out what I was doing or contact me indirectly she calls someone close to me. My ex is terribly petrified of confrontation. She broke up with me over the phone and I know she would not be able to just pick up the phone and call me if she wanted to get back with me after dumping me on my * * *. I told my friend not to call her back. So is this girl going to eventually have the guts to call me? Any feedback would be appreciated on this one folks.

  3. Hey I so feel you pain. And I loved how you broke down the relationship. And it is sooo true. I am hurting and i am so trying to be hard about it. But love sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is better to never love than to have loved and lost.


    I'm hurting, I feel deceived, and basically all my worst nightmares have come to fruition, but there's nothing better than being in love. I know you're feeling that you wish you never met that person and being in love sucks, but think back to the best time you had with that person and realize that you can have that with someone else and it will be even better because, and bare with me because this may seem a little wacko, but there's people out there who actually will love you back. Plenty of them. Learn from this, heal, and go grab someone else because when you really think about it, love is THE reason for living, for getting out of bed in the morning, for working harder, for pursuing your goals, for everything. Start by loving yourself and you'll see how others will be attracted to that and love you for it. I think that's how most of these break ups happen. One person gets too far ahead of the other person, gets insecure, stops loving themselves, the other person sees this, begins to lose respect for you because you're buckling at every corner and you've lost that confidence and spark they first fell in love with. So again, love yourself right now. Build on that and never give that up again and you'll see how your relationships will change.

  4. TBD - Staying concentrated on your work is a major part of it. That's what I've been doing and without that I'd be over the edge. I actually shot a short film about my break up and I'll post it when I'm done. I think it will help people, especially guys. It's a humorous spin on what happened to me and ends on a light note. And I know what that's like to have a girl lose faith in you and leave you hanging because you hit a rough spot in your life. That's what happened to me. Everything was going great, but things at work were rough and I was unsure about my future. We stopped going out as much and my energy to be the "funny guy" dwindled. Then out of the blue, without any willingness to discuss options, she CALLS ME and drops the bomb. She was crying the whole time and says it's because she couldn't open up to me because her last boyfriend cheated on her and she is still hurt. I think that's all crap. She did have a difficult time opening up to me, but she was acting weird and secretive a week before she broke it off. I think she just found someone else and wanted to jump to what she thinks is the next best thing. It ain't fellas. They're kidding themselves. They catch us at a weak point, and instead of supporting us through it, they run because they think we're spineless. They don't get what's really inside. The heart of lion that only gets stronger when faced with adversity. We just need time to figure out our plan of strike. Women don't always give us that time. There are some, don't get me wrong. And I love those women and respect them with all my heart. And my quest for one continues. Go see the new movie Invincible. You'll love it.

  5. I feel for you enivel. I am at 3 weeks of NC today from a chick who dumped me totally out of the blue. We had awesome chemistry and talked about how crazy it was that we met. I'm still thinking about her and waking up with her on my mind. But what keeps me from calling her is the knowledge that there's nothing I can do to get her back and by calling her I'll only feed her image of me being needy and pressuring her to open up to me. FYI - Her excuse of why she broke up with me was because she still hasn't healed from a guy who cheated on her eight months ago. I gave her everything. Stopped talking to other girls. Treated her like a queen. And assured her that I would never cheat on her. It wasn't enough. Sometimes we don't know why they break up with us and most of the time they just make up excuses because the feeling for them has faded and they would rather run away and jump to something else than try to dig in and fix it. So all you're left to do is dig in and fix yourself. Be good to yourself. Take it a day at a time and know that you deserve someone who knows just how f-ing awesome you are.

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