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Posts posted by Jolita

  1. Dako - he is in advertizing. He has a contract overseas with his job, and we can only spend about 6 months a year together - either when I visit or when he visits. Naturally, I would like the time we spend together to be a little more memorable, but I feel like I hit a brick wall every time I open my mouth about my emotions...

  2. My boyfriend and I have been together for two years, and will most likely be engaged very soon. He is a fantastic man, except for one problem: he doesn't ever show his feelings, or do anything thoughtful at all. There is no attentiveness, birthday gifts, christmas gifts, flowers, surprises, the things that make us women feel so special...He claims that he used to be very emotional, and went way out of his way to make a girl feel special, but realized that it was pointless and stopped. Does that mean he's been hurt? He won't ever talk about it. Just gets mad and says that my expectations are too high...that I don't appreciate what he gives. How do I bring out a more sensitive, attentive man in him? Is it even possible?

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