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Posts posted by eschaton

  1. no the next two months are hell, but i can last it. This is really an im feeling sorry for myself thread. I wasted too much of my life, in a one sided relationship (it was a realtionship on my side and i was fooling myself into thinking i was just being friends, but only recently (after 2 years!!) had to acnowledge what it really was) adn i really hate myself. I would never hurt my roomate but i really hate her now. As soon as she moves out there will be no contact. It not fair that i hate her, its my fault, i was the one that made dicisions to hang around her. On the other hadn she is manipulative as hell. Still shes a good person. I really regret i hurt the one i should be with and possible ruind something good for myself.

  2. Its almost like i am that guy, because im in almost the same situation.


    Sex is for the guy as support is for the woman.


    Sure a guy would love to run around getting as much sex as he could without having to support anyone.


    Woman would like to be in platonic relationships where they are taken care of.


    Make no mistake. They are in a realationship and she is using him.


    Talk to him, see if you can spend more time with him. The important thing is to see if you can spend time together but make no mistake he is in a relationship and your seeing if he is ready to move on. Thats all. He is not ready to start another one yet. Not with you. Don't persue this too hard. its likely he is going to end up with this other girl. But if he is ready to move on he will end this first one. Meaning he wont have room in his life to see her and take care of her.


    The "best frind" in my life? I will not see her again after she moves out. Ive already made myself the promise i pray god i stick to it or my life will be hell.



    when i first saw your post i was really floored because i thought the girl i was dating logged in and posted. but there are a few differences. she is further away than 40 miles.

  3. thank you, i was feeling sorry for myself and was looking for sympathy. Im feeling a little better today but now let me finish my story.


    i know im leading a f***up life and i know it was my choices.


    I found somone i really liked and wanted a relationship with and she got hurt.


    My roomate dates a lot, and men dont seem to have trouble with "our relationship". If i date as soon as women see her they run (she is very attractive, women get intimidated). But i finally find this girl i really like. Soon after that i ask my roomate to leave and i start dating this girl. About a week later i let my roomate come back and try to explain the situation to the girl im dating. Telling her its just for a short while till she finds a place. She says she understands. (its also a long distance relationship.) Well a week later she comes to visit me (it was this last weekend). And its good, i think. Well after she goes home she instant messages me and tells me she cant see me again. She says she had a lot of time to think on the way home and she is crying. She says when im with my roomate its like we are together and she is the third weel. I do everything for my roomate. I did not really notice at the time but it was true. I was always trying to "include her" but htats just the problem. When im hnaging out with my girl i shouldend be trying to "include her." Well thats why i was feeling sorry for myself. Now i just feel that "well i now what i was getting into and maybe in the big picture 2 months is not too long to wait till i can start dating again.

  4. Im a 30 year old male, im in a bad relationship. Its causing me an incredable amount of stress low self esteem ect.


    Im taking care of this woman and her kids. Ive been taking care of her for about 2 yrs now, about a year ago she lost her appt. and i let her move in with me as a "room mate" She occupies an emmotional space in my life as if she and her kids are my family. But we are not intamatly or emotionaly involved. For her i am her "best friend", i "save her life" and she is "so greatful to me." I care abou her a lot and want to make sure she is safe or ok.


    I would date her but she would never date me and refuses to talk or think about it.


    Anyway im living half a life. SHe dates who she wants and i supposedly date how i want. Men dont mind dating her in this situation. I seldom feel energy to date and when women see the situation im in its ipossible to continue.


    Ive tried geting her out of my life several times. I have made her leave but i cant stand her being homeless and i brought her back.


    I feel sad, i feel used, i just want a real realtionship. I want to take care of my girlfrind and her family. Not somone elses.


    Well its going to end soon. SHe says she will turn hrself in soon (warrent). SHe just had a baby and wanted it to be a 2 months before she went away. When she does the kids will go with fathers and relatives. And i will go away as far as i can. until then i live half a life.


    Do others do this? Am i a bad, weak person? She is not a bad person, she loves me in her own way. And i cant reject her either.

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